Statics Report - System: 1.0-SNAPSHOT, Version: 0, Date: TodayDesigned for use with Checkstyle, CKJM, Cobertura, FindBugs, JavaNCSS, JDepend, JUnit, PMD, PMD-CPD, Java2HTML and Ant.

[Statics] redundant code analysis

[scorecard] [analysis] [explanations]
{package analysis} {class analysis} {method analysis} {redundant code} {external packages} {languages used} {system specific analysis}


AreaRemovable classes (% of total)Unused private fieldsUnused private methodsUnused local variablesUnused formal parametersUnused importsEmpty catch blocksEmpty if stmtsEmpty while stmtsEmpty try blocksEmpty finally blocksEmpty switch statements
All Classes0 (0 %)00000000000
Web.Application0 (0 %) 00000000000
Web.Pages0 (0 %) 00000000000
Web.Common0 (0 %) 00000000000
Service0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Service.Data0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Service.External0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Model.Application0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Model.External0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Model.Common0 (NaN %) 00000000000
Not Classified0 (NaN %) 00000000000


Feel free to copy this table to excel or some other spreadsheet for further processing.

SubsystemClassCan be removedUnused private fieldsUnused private methodsUnused local variablesUnused formal parametersUnused importsEmpty catch blocksEmpty if stmtsEmpty while stmtsEmpty try blocksEmpty finally blocksEmpty switch statements