Uses of Interface

Packages that use Role
Package Description
com.hack23.cia.model.api.application.administration Provides... 
com.hack23.cia.model.api.common Common interfaces for objects in the model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.api.sweden.configuration Provides... 
com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.administration Provides... 
com.hack23.cia.model.impl.common The core entity model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.configuration Provides... 
com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.content Provides... 

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.api.application.administration

Subinterfaces of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.api.application.administration
Modifier and Type Interface and Description
 interface UserData
          The Interface UserData.
 interface UserRole
          The Interface UserRole.

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.api.common

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.api.common that return Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 Role[] Actor.getActorDefinedRoles()
          Gets the actor defined roles.
 Role[] Actor.getActorRoles()
          Gets the actor roles.
 Role ActorRoleResourceContainer.getRole()
          Gets the role.

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.api.common with parameters of type Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void Actor.setActorDefinedRoles(Role[] roles)
          Sets the actor defined roles.
 void Actor.setActorRoles(Role[] roles)
          Sets the actor roles.

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.api.sweden.configuration

Subinterfaces of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.api.sweden.configuration
Modifier and Type Interface and Description
 interface GovernmentMinisterData
          The Interface GovernmentMinisterData.
 interface GovernmentRole
          The Interface GovernmentRole.
 interface MonarchData
          The Interface MonarchData.
 interface ParliamentMemberData
          The Interface ParliamentMemberData.
 interface ParliamentRole
          The Interface ParliamentRole.

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.administration

Classes in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.administration that implement Role
Modifier and Type Class and Description
 class Player
          The Class Player.
 class RegisteredUser
          The Class RegisteredUser.
 class User
          The Class User.

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.common

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.common that return Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 Role[] Person.getActorDefinedRoles()
 Role[] Person.getActorRoles()

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.common with parameters of type Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void Person.setActorDefinedRoles(Role[] roles)
 void Person.setActorRoles(Role[] roles)

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.configuration

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.configuration that return Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 Role[] Committee.getActorDefinedRoles()
 Role[] Parliament.getActorDefinedRoles()
 Role[] Committee.getActorRoles()
 Role[] Parliament.getActorRoles()

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.configuration with parameters of type Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void Committee.setActorDefinedRoles(Role[] roles)
 void Parliament.setActorDefinedRoles(Role[] roles)
 void Committee.setActorRoles(Role[] roles)
 void Parliament.setActorRoles(Role[] roles)

Uses of Role in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.content

Classes in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.content that implement Role
Modifier and Type Class and Description
 class ParliamentMember
          The Class ParliamentMember.

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.content that return Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 Role[] PoliticalParty.getActorDefinedRoles()
 Role[] PoliticalParty.getActorRoles()

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden.content with parameters of type Role
Modifier and Type Method and Description
 void PoliticalParty.setActorDefinedRoles(Role[] roles)
 void PoliticalParty.setActorRoles(Role[] roles)

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