Uses of Class

Packages that use Portal
com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common Common application entity model. 
com.hack23.cia.service.api.admin Service API admin request/response objects. 
com.hack23.cia.service.impl.admin Admin service implementations. 
com.hack23.cia.web.action.admin User web actions. 
com.hack23.cia.web.viewfactory.api.admin Admin viewfactory api, contains admin ModelAndView implementations. 
com.hack23.cia.web.views.form.admin Admin Forms for objects in the model. 

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common that return Portal
 Portal Agency.findMatchingPortal(String headerHost)
          Find matching portal.
 Portal UserSession.getPortal()
          Gets the portal.
 Portal Agency.getPortalById(Long portalId)
          Gets the portal by id.

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common that return types with arguments of type Portal
 Set<Portal> Agency.getPortals()
          Gets the portals.

Methods in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common with parameters of type Portal
 void UserSession.setPortal(Portal portal)
          Sets the portal.

Method parameters in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common with type arguments of type Portal
 void Agency.setPortals(Set<Portal> portals)
          Sets the portals.

Constructors in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common with parameters of type Portal
UserSession(User user, Language language, Portal portal, String sessionId, String clientHost, String serverHost, Date createdAt, String userAgent)
          Instantiates a new user session.

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.service.api.admin

Methods in com.hack23.cia.service.api.admin that return Portal
 Portal PortalRequest.getPortal()
          Gets the portal.
 Portal PortalResponse.getPortal()
          Gets the portal.

Constructors in com.hack23.cia.service.api.admin with parameters of type Portal
PortalRequest(Long userSessionId, PortalActionEvent.Operation operation, Portal portal)
          Instantiates a new portal request.
PortalResponse(UserSessionDTO userSessionDTO, Agency agency, Portal portal)
          Instantiates a new portal response.

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.service.impl.admin

Methods in com.hack23.cia.service.impl.admin that return Portal
 Portal AdminServiceImpl.updatePortal(Portal portal)
 Portal AdminService.updatePortal(Portal portal)
          Update portal.

Methods in com.hack23.cia.service.impl.admin with parameters of type Portal
 Agency AdminServiceImpl.deletePortal(Portal portal)
 Agency AdminService.deletePortal(Portal portal)
          Delete portal.
 Portal AdminServiceImpl.updatePortal(Portal portal)
 Portal AdminService.updatePortal(Portal portal)
          Update portal.

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.web.action.admin

Methods in com.hack23.cia.web.action.admin that return Portal
 Portal PortalAction.getPortal()
          Gets the portal.

Constructors in com.hack23.cia.web.action.admin with parameters of type Portal
PortalAction(PortalActionEvent.Operation operation, Portal portal)
          Instantiates a new portal action.

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.web.viewfactory.api.admin

Methods in com.hack23.cia.web.viewfactory.api.admin that return Portal
 Portal PortalModelAndView.getPortal()
          Gets the portal.

Constructors in com.hack23.cia.web.viewfactory.api.admin with parameters of type Portal
PortalModelAndView(UserSessionDTO userSessionDTO, ControllerAction controllerAction, PortalModelAndView.PortalViewSpecification portalViewSpecification, Agency agency, Portal portal)
          Instantiates a new portal model and view.

Uses of Portal in com.hack23.cia.web.views.form.admin

Constructors in com.hack23.cia.web.views.form.admin with parameters of type Portal
PortalForm(UserSessionDTO userSessionDTO, Portal portal)
          Instantiates a new portal form.

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