Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resource
com.hack23.cia.model.application.api Application interfaces for objects in the model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common Common application entity model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.common.api Common interfaces for objects in the model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.common.impl The core entity model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.api Parliament interfaces for objects in the model. 
com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.impl The entity model related to Swedish parliament members votes. 

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.application.api

Subinterfaces of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.application.api
 interface AgentOperation
          The Interface AgentOperation.
 interface ApplicationData
          The Interface ApplicationData.
 interface Configuration
          The Interface Configuration.
 interface Content
          The Interface Content.
 interface UserGeneratedMetaData
          The Interface UserGeneratedMetaData.

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common

Classes in com.hack23.cia.model.application.impl.common that implement Resource
 class AbstractAgencyConfiguration
          The Class AbstractAgencyConfiguration.
 class AbstractApplicationResource
          The Class AbstractApplicationResource.
 class ImageContent
          The Class ImageContent.
 class Language
          The Class Language.
 class LanguageContent
          The Class LanguageContent.
 class Portal
          The Class Portal.
 class SoftwareAgentOperation
          The Class SoftwareAgentOperation.
 class UserSession
          The Class UserSession.

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.common.api

Subinterfaces of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.common.api
 interface ApplicationResource
          The Interface ApplicationResource.
 interface Data
          The Interface Data.
 interface MetaData
          The Interface MetaData.

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.common.impl

Classes in com.hack23.cia.model.common.impl that implement Resource
 class AbstractResource
          The Class AbstractResource.

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.api

Subinterfaces of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.api
 interface ParliamentData
          The Interface ParliamentData.
 interface ParliamentMetaData
          The Interface ParliamentMetaData.

Uses of Resource in com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.impl

Classes in com.hack23.cia.model.sweden.impl that implement Resource
 class AbstractBallotMetaData
          The Class AbstractBallotMetaData.
 class AbstractBallotResult
          The Class AbstractBallotResult.
 class Ballot
          The Class Ballot.
 class BallotResult
          The Class BallotResult.
 class Committee
          The Class Committee.
 class CommitteeReport
          The Class CommitteeReport.
 class Election
          The Class Election.
 class Parliament
          The Class Parliament.
 class ParliamentMember
          The Class ParliamentMember.
 class ParliamentMemberBallotRecord
          The Class ParliamentMemberBallotRecord.
 class ParliamentMemberVoteCompareResult
          The Class ParliamentMemberVoteCompareResult.
 class ParliamentYear
          The Class ParliamentYear.
 class PartyBallotResult
          The Class PartyBallotResult.
 class PoliticalParty
          The Class PoliticalParty.
 class RegisterInformation
          The Class RegisterInformation.
 class Vote
          The Class Vote.
 class VoteMetaData
          The Class VoteMetaData.

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