Package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.common

Package class diagram package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.common
Common application entity model.


Class Summary
AbstractActionEvent The Class AbstractActionEvent.
AbstractAgencyConfiguration The Class AbstractAgencyConfiguration.
AbstractApplicationResource The Class AbstractApplicationResource.
Agency The Class Agency.
ApplicationErrorActionEvent The Class ApplicationErrorActionEvent.
GameBoard The Class GameBoard.
ImageContent The Class ImageContent.
Language The Class Language.
LanguageContent The Class LanguageContent.
Player The Class Player.
PoliticalGame The Class PoliticalGame.
Portal The Class Portal.
RegisteredUser The Class RegisteredUser.
SoftwareAgentOperation The Class SoftwareAgentOperation.
User The Class User.
UserSession The Class UserSession.

Package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.application.common Description

Common application entity model.

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