Package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden

Package class diagram package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden
The entity model related to Swedish parliament members votes.


Class Summary
AbstractBallotMetaData The Class AbstractBallotMetaData.
AbstractBallotResult The Class AbstractBallotResult.
Ballot The Class Ballot.
BallotResult The Class BallotResult.
Committee The Class Committee.
CommitteeReport The Class CommitteeReport.
Election The Class Election.
Parliament The Class Parliament.
ParliamentDocumentType The Class ParliamentDocumentType.
ParliamentMember The Class ParliamentMember.
ParliamentMemberBallotRecord The Class ParliamentMemberBallotRecord.
ParliamentMemberVoteCompareResult The Class ParliamentMemberVoteCompareResult.
ParliamentYear The Class ParliamentYear.
PartyBallotResult The Class PartyBallotResult.
PoliticalParty The Class PoliticalParty.
RegisterInformation The Class RegisterInformation.
Vote The Class Vote.
VoteMetaData The Class VoteMetaData.

Package com.hack23.cia.model.impl.sweden Description

The entity model related to Swedish parliament members votes.

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