View Javadoc
1   //
2   // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11 
3   // See <a href=""></a> 
4   // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
5   // Generated on: 2017.04.23 at 07:22:28 PM CEST 
6   //
9   package com.hack23.cia.model.external.riksdagen.dokumentlista.impl;
11  import;
12  import java.math.BigInteger;
13  import javax.persistence.Basic;
14  import javax.persistence.Column;
15  import javax.persistence.Entity;
16  import javax.persistence.Id;
17  import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
18  import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
19  import javax.persistence.Table;
20  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
21  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
22  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
23  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
24  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
25  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.CollapsedStringAdapter;
26  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
27  import com.hack23.cia.model.common.api.ModelObject;
28  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals;
29  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy;
30  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode;
31  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy;
32  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
33  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
34  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
35  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString;
36  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy;
37  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
38  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;
41  /**
42   * <p>Java class for DocumentElement complex type.
43   * 
44   * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
45   * 
46   * <pre>
47   * &lt;complexType name="DocumentElement"&gt;
48   *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
49   *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
50   *       &lt;sequence&gt;
51   *         &lt;element name="traff" type="{}integer"/&gt;
52   *         &lt;element name="id" type="{}string"/&gt;
53   *         &lt;element name="domain" type="{}string"/&gt;
54   *         &lt;element name="dokumentnamn" type="{}string"/&gt;
55   *         &lt;element name="debattnamn" type="{}string"/&gt;
56   *         &lt;element name="notisrubrik" type="{}string"/&gt;
57   *         &lt;element name="notis" type="{}string"/&gt;
58   *         &lt;element name="summary" type="{}string"/&gt;
59   *         &lt;element name="database" type="{}string"/&gt;
60   *         &lt;element name="kalla" type="{}string"/&gt;
61   *         &lt;element name="lang" type="{}string"/&gt;
62   *         &lt;element name="rm" type="{}string"/&gt;
63   *         &lt;element name="relaterat_id" type="{}string"/&gt;
64   *         &lt;element name="typ" type="{}string"/&gt;
65   *         &lt;element name="doktyp" type="{}string"/&gt;
66   *         &lt;element name="subtyp" type="{}string"/&gt;
67   *         &lt;element name="status" type="{}string"/&gt;
68   *         &lt;element name="beteckning" type="{}string"/&gt;
69   *         &lt;element name="tempbeteckning" type="{}string"/&gt;
70   *         &lt;element name="organ" type="{}NCName"/&gt;
71   *         &lt;element name="nummer" type="{}integer"/&gt;
72   *         &lt;element name="titel" type="{}string"/&gt;
73   *         &lt;element name="undertitel" type="{}string"/&gt;
74   *         &lt;element name="datum" type="{}string"/&gt;
75   *         &lt;element name="publicerad" type="{}string"/&gt;
76   *         &lt;element name="systemdatum" type="{}string"/&gt;
77   *         &lt;element name="kall_id" type="{}string"/&gt;
78   *         &lt;element name="dokumentformat" type="{}string"/&gt;
79   *         &lt;element name="dokument_url_text" type="{}anyURI"/&gt;
80   *         &lt;element name="dokument_url_html" type="{}anyURI"/&gt;
81   *         &lt;element name="dokumentstatus_url_xml" type="{}anyURI"/&gt;
82   *         &lt;element name="utskottsforslag_url_xml" type="{}anyURI"/&gt;
83   *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
84   *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
85   *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
86   * &lt;/complexType&gt;
87   * </pre>
88   * 
89   * 
90   */
91  @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
92  @XmlType(name = "DocumentElement", propOrder = {
93      "hit",
94      "id",
95      "domainOrg",
96      "documentName",
97      "debateName",
98      "noteTitle",
99      "note",
100     "summary",
101     "databaseSource",
102     "origin",
103     "lang",
104     "rm",
105     "relatedId",
106     "documentType",
107     "docType",
108     "subType",
109     "status",
110     "label",
111     "tempLabel",
112     "org",
113     "numberValue",
114     "title",
115     "subTitle",
116     "createdDate",
117     "madePublicDate",
118     "systemDate",
119     "kallId",
120     "documentFormat",
121     "documentUrlText",
122     "documentUrlHtml",
123     "documentStatusUrlXml",
124     "committeeReportUrlXml"
125 })
126 @Entity(name = "DocumentElement")
127 @Table(name = "DOCUMENT_ELEMENT")
128 @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
129 public class DocumentElement
130     implements Serializable, ModelObject, Equals, HashCode, ToString
131 {
133     @XmlElement(name = "traff", required = true)
134     protected BigInteger hit;
135     @XmlElement(required = true)
136     protected String id;
137     @XmlElement(name = "domain", required = true)
138     protected String domainOrg;
139     @XmlElement(name = "dokumentnamn", required = true)
140     protected String documentName;
141     @XmlElement(name = "debattnamn", required = true)
142     protected String debateName;
143     @XmlElement(name = "notisrubrik", required = true)
144     protected String noteTitle;
145     @XmlElement(name = "notis", required = true)
146     protected String note;
147     @XmlElement(required = true)
148     protected String summary;
149     @XmlElement(name = "database", required = true)
150     protected String databaseSource;
151     @XmlElement(name = "kalla", required = true)
152     protected String origin;
153     @XmlElement(required = true)
154     protected String lang;
155     @XmlElement(required = true)
156     protected String rm;
157     @XmlElement(name = "relaterat_id", required = true)
158     protected String relatedId;
159     @XmlElement(name = "typ", required = true)
160     protected String documentType;
161     @XmlElement(name = "doktyp", required = true)
162     protected String docType;
163     @XmlElement(name = "subtyp", required = true)
164     protected String subType;
165     @XmlElement(required = true)
166     protected String status;
167     @XmlElement(name = "beteckning", required = true)
168     protected String label;
169     @XmlElement(name = "tempbeteckning", required = true)
170     protected String tempLabel;
171     @XmlElement(name = "organ", required = true)
172     @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(CollapsedStringAdapter.class)
173     @XmlSchemaType(name = "NCName")
174     protected String org;
175     @XmlElement(name = "nummer", required = true)
176     protected BigInteger numberValue;
177     @XmlElement(name = "titel", required = true)
178     protected String title;
179     @XmlElement(name = "undertitel", required = true)
180     protected String subTitle;
181     @XmlElement(name = "datum", required = true)
182     protected String createdDate;
183     @XmlElement(name = "publicerad", required = true)
184     protected String madePublicDate;
185     @XmlElement(name = "systemdatum", required = true)
186     protected String systemDate;
187     @XmlElement(name = "kall_id", required = true)
188     protected String kallId;
189     @XmlElement(name = "dokumentformat", required = true)
190     protected String documentFormat;
191     @XmlElement(name = "dokument_url_text", required = true)
192     @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
193     protected String documentUrlText;
194     @XmlElement(name = "dokument_url_html", required = true)
195     @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
196     protected String documentUrlHtml;
197     @XmlElement(name = "dokumentstatus_url_xml", required = true)
198     @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
199     protected String documentStatusUrlXml;
200     @XmlElement(name = "utskottsforslag_url_xml", required = true)
201     @XmlSchemaType(name = "anyURI")
202     protected String committeeReportUrlXml;
204     /**
205      * Gets the value of the hit property.
206      * 
207      * @return
208      *     possible object is
209      *     {@link BigInteger }
210      *     
211      */
212     @Basic
213     @Column(name = "HIT", precision = 20, scale = 0)
214     public BigInteger getHit() {
215         return hit;
216     }
218     /**
219      * Sets the value of the hit property.
220      * 
221      * @param value
222      *     allowed object is
223      *     {@link BigInteger }
224      *     
225      */
226     public void setHit(BigInteger value) {
227         this.hit = value;
228     }
230     /**
231      * Gets the value of the id property.
232      * 
233      * @return
234      *     possible object is
235      *     {@link String }
236      *     
237      */
238     @Id
239     @Column(name = "ID")
240     public String getId() {
241         return id;
242     }
244     /**
245      * Sets the value of the id property.
246      * 
247      * @param value
248      *     allowed object is
249      *     {@link String }
250      *     
251      */
252     public void setId(String value) {
253 = value;
254     }
256     /**
257      * Gets the value of the domainOrg property.
258      * 
259      * @return
260      *     possible object is
261      *     {@link String }
262      *     
263      */
264     @Basic
265     @Column(name = "DOMAIN_ORG", length = 255)
266     public String getDomainOrg() {
267         return domainOrg;
268     }
270     /**
271      * Sets the value of the domainOrg property.
272      * 
273      * @param value
274      *     allowed object is
275      *     {@link String }
276      *     
277      */
278     public void setDomainOrg(String value) {
279         this.domainOrg = value;
280     }
282     /**
283      * Gets the value of the documentName property.
284      * 
285      * @return
286      *     possible object is
287      *     {@link String }
288      *     
289      */
290     @Basic
291     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_NAME", length = 255)
292     public String getDocumentName() {
293         return documentName;
294     }
296     /**
297      * Sets the value of the documentName property.
298      * 
299      * @param value
300      *     allowed object is
301      *     {@link String }
302      *     
303      */
304     public void setDocumentName(String value) {
305         this.documentName = value;
306     }
308     /**
309      * Gets the value of the debateName property.
310      * 
311      * @return
312      *     possible object is
313      *     {@link String }
314      *     
315      */
316     @Basic
317     @Column(name = "DEBATE_NAME", length = 255)
318     public String getDebateName() {
319         return debateName;
320     }
322     /**
323      * Sets the value of the debateName property.
324      * 
325      * @param value
326      *     allowed object is
327      *     {@link String }
328      *     
329      */
330     public void setDebateName(String value) {
331         this.debateName = value;
332     }
334     /**
335      * Gets the value of the noteTitle property.
336      * 
337      * @return
338      *     possible object is
339      *     {@link String }
340      *     
341      */
342     @Basic
343     @Column(name = "NOTE_TITLE", length = 255)
344     public String getNoteTitle() {
345         return noteTitle;
346     }
348     /**
349      * Sets the value of the noteTitle property.
350      * 
351      * @param value
352      *     allowed object is
353      *     {@link String }
354      *     
355      */
356     public void setNoteTitle(String value) {
357         this.noteTitle = value;
358     }
360     /**
361      * Gets the value of the note property.
362      * 
363      * @return
364      *     possible object is
365      *     {@link String }
366      *     
367      */
368     @Basic
369     @Column(name = "NOTE", length = 255)
370     public String getNote() {
371         return note;
372     }
374     /**
375      * Sets the value of the note property.
376      * 
377      * @param value
378      *     allowed object is
379      *     {@link String }
380      *     
381      */
382     public void setNote(String value) {
383         this.note = value;
384     }
386     /**
387      * Gets the value of the summary property.
388      * 
389      * @return
390      *     possible object is
391      *     {@link String }
392      *     
393      */
394     @Basic
395     @Column(name = "SUMMARY", length = 255)
396     public String getSummary() {
397         return summary;
398     }
400     /**
401      * Sets the value of the summary property.
402      * 
403      * @param value
404      *     allowed object is
405      *     {@link String }
406      *     
407      */
408     public void setSummary(String value) {
409         this.summary = value;
410     }
412     /**
413      * Gets the value of the databaseSource property.
414      * 
415      * @return
416      *     possible object is
417      *     {@link String }
418      *     
419      */
420     @Basic
421     @Column(name = "DATABASE_SOURCE", length = 255)
422     public String getDatabaseSource() {
423         return databaseSource;
424     }
426     /**
427      * Sets the value of the databaseSource property.
428      * 
429      * @param value
430      *     allowed object is
431      *     {@link String }
432      *     
433      */
434     public void setDatabaseSource(String value) {
435         this.databaseSource = value;
436     }
438     /**
439      * Gets the value of the origin property.
440      * 
441      * @return
442      *     possible object is
443      *     {@link String }
444      *     
445      */
446     @Basic
447     @Column(name = "ORIGIN", length = 255)
448     public String getOrigin() {
449         return origin;
450     }
452     /**
453      * Sets the value of the origin property.
454      * 
455      * @param value
456      *     allowed object is
457      *     {@link String }
458      *     
459      */
460     public void setOrigin(String value) {
461         this.origin = value;
462     }
464     /**
465      * Gets the value of the lang property.
466      * 
467      * @return
468      *     possible object is
469      *     {@link String }
470      *     
471      */
472     @Basic
473     @Column(name = "LANG", length = 255)
474     public String getLang() {
475         return lang;
476     }
478     /**
479      * Sets the value of the lang property.
480      * 
481      * @param value
482      *     allowed object is
483      *     {@link String }
484      *     
485      */
486     public void setLang(String value) {
487         this.lang = value;
488     }
490     /**
491      * Gets the value of the rm property.
492      * 
493      * @return
494      *     possible object is
495      *     {@link String }
496      *     
497      */
498     @Basic
499     @Column(name = "RM", length = 255)
500     public String getRm() {
501         return rm;
502     }
504     /**
505      * Sets the value of the rm property.
506      * 
507      * @param value
508      *     allowed object is
509      *     {@link String }
510      *     
511      */
512     public void setRm(String value) {
513         this.rm = value;
514     }
516     /**
517      * Gets the value of the relatedId property.
518      * 
519      * @return
520      *     possible object is
521      *     {@link String }
522      *     
523      */
524     @Basic
525     @Column(name = "RELATED_ID", length = 255)
526     public String getRelatedId() {
527         return relatedId;
528     }
530     /**
531      * Sets the value of the relatedId property.
532      * 
533      * @param value
534      *     allowed object is
535      *     {@link String }
536      *     
537      */
538     public void setRelatedId(String value) {
539         this.relatedId = value;
540     }
542     /**
543      * Gets the value of the documentType property.
544      * 
545      * @return
546      *     possible object is
547      *     {@link String }
548      *     
549      */
550     @Basic
551     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_TYPE", length = 255)
552     public String getDocumentType() {
553         return documentType;
554     }
556     /**
557      * Sets the value of the documentType property.
558      * 
559      * @param value
560      *     allowed object is
561      *     {@link String }
562      *     
563      */
564     public void setDocumentType(String value) {
565         this.documentType = value;
566     }
568     /**
569      * Gets the value of the docType property.
570      * 
571      * @return
572      *     possible object is
573      *     {@link String }
574      *     
575      */
576     @Basic
577     @Column(name = "DOC_TYPE", length = 255)
578     public String getDocType() {
579         return docType;
580     }
582     /**
583      * Sets the value of the docType property.
584      * 
585      * @param value
586      *     allowed object is
587      *     {@link String }
588      *     
589      */
590     public void setDocType(String value) {
591         this.docType = value;
592     }
594     /**
595      * Gets the value of the subType property.
596      * 
597      * @return
598      *     possible object is
599      *     {@link String }
600      *     
601      */
602     @Basic
603     @Column(name = "SUB_TYPE", length = 255)
604     public String getSubType() {
605         return subType;
606     }
608     /**
609      * Sets the value of the subType property.
610      * 
611      * @param value
612      *     allowed object is
613      *     {@link String }
614      *     
615      */
616     public void setSubType(String value) {
617         this.subType = value;
618     }
620     /**
621      * Gets the value of the status property.
622      * 
623      * @return
624      *     possible object is
625      *     {@link String }
626      *     
627      */
628     @Basic
629     @Column(name = "STATUS", length = 255)
630     public String getStatus() {
631         return status;
632     }
634     /**
635      * Sets the value of the status property.
636      * 
637      * @param value
638      *     allowed object is
639      *     {@link String }
640      *     
641      */
642     public void setStatus(String value) {
643         this.status = value;
644     }
646     /**
647      * Gets the value of the label property.
648      * 
649      * @return
650      *     possible object is
651      *     {@link String }
652      *     
653      */
654     @Basic
655     @Column(name = "LABEL", length = 255)
656     public String getLabel() {
657         return label;
658     }
660     /**
661      * Sets the value of the label property.
662      * 
663      * @param value
664      *     allowed object is
665      *     {@link String }
666      *     
667      */
668     public void setLabel(String value) {
669         this.label = value;
670     }
672     /**
673      * Gets the value of the tempLabel property.
674      * 
675      * @return
676      *     possible object is
677      *     {@link String }
678      *     
679      */
680     @Basic
681     @Column(name = "TEMP_LABEL", length = 255)
682     public String getTempLabel() {
683         return tempLabel;
684     }
686     /**
687      * Sets the value of the tempLabel property.
688      * 
689      * @param value
690      *     allowed object is
691      *     {@link String }
692      *     
693      */
694     public void setTempLabel(String value) {
695         this.tempLabel = value;
696     }
698     /**
699      * Gets the value of the org property.
700      * 
701      * @return
702      *     possible object is
703      *     {@link String }
704      *     
705      */
706     @Basic
707     @Column(name = "ORG", length = 255)
708     public String getOrg() {
709         return org;
710     }
712     /**
713      * Sets the value of the org property.
714      * 
715      * @param value
716      *     allowed object is
717      *     {@link String }
718      *     
719      */
720     public void setOrg(String value) {
721 = value;
722     }
724     /**
725      * Gets the value of the numberValue property.
726      * 
727      * @return
728      *     possible object is
729      *     {@link BigInteger }
730      *     
731      */
732     @Basic
733     @Column(name = "NUMBER_VALUE", precision = 20, scale = 0)
734     public BigInteger getNumberValue() {
735         return numberValue;
736     }
738     /**
739      * Sets the value of the numberValue property.
740      * 
741      * @param value
742      *     allowed object is
743      *     {@link BigInteger }
744      *     
745      */
746     public void setNumberValue(BigInteger value) {
747         this.numberValue = value;
748     }
750     /**
751      * Gets the value of the title property.
752      * 
753      * @return
754      *     possible object is
755      *     {@link String }
756      *     
757      */
758     @Basic
759     @Column(name = "TITLE", length = 65536)
760     public String getTitle() {
761         return title;
762     }
764     /**
765      * Sets the value of the title property.
766      * 
767      * @param value
768      *     allowed object is
769      *     {@link String }
770      *     
771      */
772     public void setTitle(String value) {
773         this.title = value;
774     }
776     /**
777      * Gets the value of the subTitle property.
778      * 
779      * @return
780      *     possible object is
781      *     {@link String }
782      *     
783      */
784     @Basic
785     @Column(name = "SUB_TITLE", length = 65536)
786     public String getSubTitle() {
787         return subTitle;
788     }
790     /**
791      * Sets the value of the subTitle property.
792      * 
793      * @param value
794      *     allowed object is
795      *     {@link String }
796      *     
797      */
798     public void setSubTitle(String value) {
799         this.subTitle = value;
800     }
802     /**
803      * Gets the value of the createdDate property.
804      * 
805      * @return
806      *     possible object is
807      *     {@link String }
808      *     
809      */
810     @Basic
811     @Column(name = "CREATED_DATE", length = 255)
812     public String getCreatedDate() {
813         return createdDate;
814     }
816     /**
817      * Sets the value of the createdDate property.
818      * 
819      * @param value
820      *     allowed object is
821      *     {@link String }
822      *     
823      */
824     public void setCreatedDate(String value) {
825         this.createdDate = value;
826     }
828     /**
829      * Gets the value of the madePublicDate property.
830      * 
831      * @return
832      *     possible object is
833      *     {@link String }
834      *     
835      */
836     @Basic
837     @Column(name = "MADE_PUBLIC_DATE", length = 255)
838     public String getMadePublicDate() {
839         return madePublicDate;
840     }
842     /**
843      * Sets the value of the madePublicDate property.
844      * 
845      * @param value
846      *     allowed object is
847      *     {@link String }
848      *     
849      */
850     public void setMadePublicDate(String value) {
851         this.madePublicDate = value;
852     }
854     /**
855      * Gets the value of the systemDate property.
856      * 
857      * @return
858      *     possible object is
859      *     {@link String }
860      *     
861      */
862     @Basic
863     @Column(name = "SYSTEM_DATE", length = 255)
864     public String getSystemDate() {
865         return systemDate;
866     }
868     /**
869      * Sets the value of the systemDate property.
870      * 
871      * @param value
872      *     allowed object is
873      *     {@link String }
874      *     
875      */
876     public void setSystemDate(String value) {
877         this.systemDate = value;
878     }
880     /**
881      * Gets the value of the kallId property.
882      * 
883      * @return
884      *     possible object is
885      *     {@link String }
886      *     
887      */
888     @Basic
889     @Column(name = "KALL_ID", length = 255)
890     public String getKallId() {
891         return kallId;
892     }
894     /**
895      * Sets the value of the kallId property.
896      * 
897      * @param value
898      *     allowed object is
899      *     {@link String }
900      *     
901      */
902     public void setKallId(String value) {
903         this.kallId = value;
904     }
906     /**
907      * Gets the value of the documentFormat property.
908      * 
909      * @return
910      *     possible object is
911      *     {@link String }
912      *     
913      */
914     @Basic
915     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_FORMAT", length = 255)
916     public String getDocumentFormat() {
917         return documentFormat;
918     }
920     /**
921      * Sets the value of the documentFormat property.
922      * 
923      * @param value
924      *     allowed object is
925      *     {@link String }
926      *     
927      */
928     public void setDocumentFormat(String value) {
929         this.documentFormat = value;
930     }
932     /**
933      * Gets the value of the documentUrlText property.
934      * 
935      * @return
936      *     possible object is
937      *     {@link String }
938      *     
939      */
940     @Basic
941     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_URL_TEXT")
942     public String getDocumentUrlText() {
943         return documentUrlText;
944     }
946     /**
947      * Sets the value of the documentUrlText property.
948      * 
949      * @param value
950      *     allowed object is
951      *     {@link String }
952      *     
953      */
954     public void setDocumentUrlText(String value) {
955         this.documentUrlText = value;
956     }
958     /**
959      * Gets the value of the documentUrlHtml property.
960      * 
961      * @return
962      *     possible object is
963      *     {@link String }
964      *     
965      */
966     @Basic
967     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_URL_HTML")
968     public String getDocumentUrlHtml() {
969         return documentUrlHtml;
970     }
972     /**
973      * Sets the value of the documentUrlHtml property.
974      * 
975      * @param value
976      *     allowed object is
977      *     {@link String }
978      *     
979      */
980     public void setDocumentUrlHtml(String value) {
981         this.documentUrlHtml = value;
982     }
984     /**
985      * Gets the value of the documentStatusUrlXml property.
986      * 
987      * @return
988      *     possible object is
989      *     {@link String }
990      *     
991      */
992     @Basic
993     @Column(name = "DOCUMENT_STATUS_URL_XML")
994     public String getDocumentStatusUrlXml() {
995         return documentStatusUrlXml;
996     }
998     /**
999      * Sets the value of the documentStatusUrlXml property.
1000      * 
1001      * @param value
1002      *     allowed object is
1003      *     {@link String }
1004      *     
1005      */
1006     public void setDocumentStatusUrlXml(String value) {
1007         this.documentStatusUrlXml = value;
1008     }
1010     /**
1011      * Gets the value of the committeeReportUrlXml property.
1012      * 
1013      * @return
1014      *     possible object is
1015      *     {@link String }
1016      *     
1017      */
1018     @Basic
1019     @Column(name = "COMMITTEE_REPORT_URL_XML")
1020     public String getCommitteeReportUrlXml() {
1021         return committeeReportUrlXml;
1022     }
1024     /**
1025      * Sets the value of the committeeReportUrlXml property.
1026      * 
1027      * @param value
1028      *     allowed object is
1029      *     {@link String }
1030      *     
1031      */
1032     public void setCommitteeReportUrlXml(String value) {
1033         this.committeeReportUrlXml = value;
1034     }
1036     public DocumentElement withHit(BigInteger value) {
1037         setHit(value);
1038         return this;
1039     }
1041     public DocumentElement withId(String value) {
1042         setId(value);
1043         return this;
1044     }
1046     public DocumentElement withDomainOrg(String value) {
1047         setDomainOrg(value);
1048         return this;
1049     }
1051     public DocumentElement withDocumentName(String value) {
1052         setDocumentName(value);
1053         return this;
1054     }
1056     public DocumentElement withDebateName(String value) {
1057         setDebateName(value);
1058         return this;
1059     }
1061     public DocumentElement withNoteTitle(String value) {
1062         setNoteTitle(value);
1063         return this;
1064     }
1066     public DocumentElement withNote(String value) {
1067         setNote(value);
1068         return this;
1069     }
1071     public DocumentElement withSummary(String value) {
1072         setSummary(value);
1073         return this;
1074     }
1076     public DocumentElement withDatabaseSource(String value) {
1077         setDatabaseSource(value);
1078         return this;
1079     }
1081     public DocumentElement withOrigin(String value) {
1082         setOrigin(value);
1083         return this;
1084     }
1086     public DocumentElement withLang(String value) {
1087         setLang(value);
1088         return this;
1089     }
1091     public DocumentElement withRm(String value) {
1092         setRm(value);
1093         return this;
1094     }
1096     public DocumentElement withRelatedId(String value) {
1097         setRelatedId(value);
1098         return this;
1099     }
1101     public DocumentElement withDocumentType(String value) {
1102         setDocumentType(value);
1103         return this;
1104     }
1106     public DocumentElement withDocType(String value) {
1107         setDocType(value);
1108         return this;
1109     }
1111     public DocumentElement withSubType(String value) {
1112         setSubType(value);
1113         return this;
1114     }
1116     public DocumentElement withStatus(String value) {
1117         setStatus(value);
1118         return this;
1119     }
1121     public DocumentElement withLabel(String value) {
1122         setLabel(value);
1123         return this;
1124     }
1126     public DocumentElement withTempLabel(String value) {
1127         setTempLabel(value);
1128         return this;
1129     }
1131     public DocumentElement withOrg(String value) {
1132         setOrg(value);
1133         return this;
1134     }
1136     public DocumentElement withNumberValue(BigInteger value) {
1137         setNumberValue(value);
1138         return this;
1139     }
1141     public DocumentElement withTitle(String value) {
1142         setTitle(value);
1143         return this;
1144     }
1146     public DocumentElement withSubTitle(String value) {
1147         setSubTitle(value);
1148         return this;
1149     }
1151     public DocumentElement withCreatedDate(String value) {
1152         setCreatedDate(value);
1153         return this;
1154     }
1156     public DocumentElement withMadePublicDate(String value) {
1157         setMadePublicDate(value);
1158         return this;
1159     }
1161     public DocumentElement withSystemDate(String value) {
1162         setSystemDate(value);
1163         return this;
1164     }
1166     public DocumentElement withKallId(String value) {
1167         setKallId(value);
1168         return this;
1169     }
1171     public DocumentElement withDocumentFormat(String value) {
1172         setDocumentFormat(value);
1173         return this;
1174     }
1176     public DocumentElement withDocumentUrlText(String value) {
1177         setDocumentUrlText(value);
1178         return this;
1179     }
1181     public DocumentElement withDocumentUrlHtml(String value) {
1182         setDocumentUrlHtml(value);
1183         return this;
1184     }
1186     public DocumentElement withDocumentStatusUrlXml(String value) {
1187         setDocumentStatusUrlXml(value);
1188         return this;
1189     }
1191     public DocumentElement withCommitteeReportUrlXml(String value) {
1192         setCommitteeReportUrlXml(value);
1193         return this;
1194     }
1196     public String toString() {
1197         final ToStringStrategy strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE;
1198         final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
1199         append(null, buffer, strategy);
1200         return buffer.toString();
1201     }
1203     public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
1204         strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer);
1205         appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
1206         strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer);
1207         return buffer;
1208     }
1210     public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
1211         {
1212             BigInteger theHit;
1213             theHit = this.getHit();
1214             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "hit", buffer, theHit);
1215         }
1216         {
1217             String theId;
1218             theId = this.getId();
1219             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "id", buffer, theId);
1220         }
1221         {
1222             String theDomainOrg;
1223             theDomainOrg = this.getDomainOrg();
1224             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "domainOrg", buffer, theDomainOrg);
1225         }
1226         {
1227             String theDocumentName;
1228             theDocumentName = this.getDocumentName();
1229             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentName", buffer, theDocumentName);
1230         }
1231         {
1232             String theDebateName;
1233             theDebateName = this.getDebateName();
1234             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "debateName", buffer, theDebateName);
1235         }
1236         {
1237             String theNoteTitle;
1238             theNoteTitle = this.getNoteTitle();
1239             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "noteTitle", buffer, theNoteTitle);
1240         }
1241         {
1242             String theNote;
1243             theNote = this.getNote();
1244             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "note", buffer, theNote);
1245         }
1246         {
1247             String theSummary;
1248             theSummary = this.getSummary();
1249             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "summary", buffer, theSummary);
1250         }
1251         {
1252             String theDatabaseSource;
1253             theDatabaseSource = this.getDatabaseSource();
1254             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "databaseSource", buffer, theDatabaseSource);
1255         }
1256         {
1257             String theOrigin;
1258             theOrigin = this.getOrigin();
1259             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "origin", buffer, theOrigin);
1260         }
1261         {
1262             String theLang;
1263             theLang = this.getLang();
1264             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "lang", buffer, theLang);
1265         }
1266         {
1267             String theRm;
1268             theRm = this.getRm();
1269             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "rm", buffer, theRm);
1270         }
1271         {
1272             String theRelatedId;
1273             theRelatedId = this.getRelatedId();
1274             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "relatedId", buffer, theRelatedId);
1275         }
1276         {
1277             String theDocumentType;
1278             theDocumentType = this.getDocumentType();
1279             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentType", buffer, theDocumentType);
1280         }
1281         {
1282             String theDocType;
1283             theDocType = this.getDocType();
1284             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "docType", buffer, theDocType);
1285         }
1286         {
1287             String theSubType;
1288             theSubType = this.getSubType();
1289             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "subType", buffer, theSubType);
1290         }
1291         {
1292             String theStatus;
1293             theStatus = this.getStatus();
1294             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "status", buffer, theStatus);
1295         }
1296         {
1297             String theLabel;
1298             theLabel = this.getLabel();
1299             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "label", buffer, theLabel);
1300         }
1301         {
1302             String theTempLabel;
1303             theTempLabel = this.getTempLabel();
1304             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "tempLabel", buffer, theTempLabel);
1305         }
1306         {
1307             String theOrg;
1308             theOrg = this.getOrg();
1309             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "org", buffer, theOrg);
1310         }
1311         {
1312             BigInteger theNumberValue;
1313             theNumberValue = this.getNumberValue();
1314             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "numberValue", buffer, theNumberValue);
1315         }
1316         {
1317             String theTitle;
1318             theTitle = this.getTitle();
1319             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "title", buffer, theTitle);
1320         }
1321         {
1322             String theSubTitle;
1323             theSubTitle = this.getSubTitle();
1324             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "subTitle", buffer, theSubTitle);
1325         }
1326         {
1327             String theCreatedDate;
1328             theCreatedDate = this.getCreatedDate();
1329             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "createdDate", buffer, theCreatedDate);
1330         }
1331         {
1332             String theMadePublicDate;
1333             theMadePublicDate = this.getMadePublicDate();
1334             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "madePublicDate", buffer, theMadePublicDate);
1335         }
1336         {
1337             String theSystemDate;
1338             theSystemDate = this.getSystemDate();
1339             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "systemDate", buffer, theSystemDate);
1340         }
1341         {
1342             String theKallId;
1343             theKallId = this.getKallId();
1344             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "kallId", buffer, theKallId);
1345         }
1346         {
1347             String theDocumentFormat;
1348             theDocumentFormat = this.getDocumentFormat();
1349             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentFormat", buffer, theDocumentFormat);
1350         }
1351         {
1352             String theDocumentUrlText;
1353             theDocumentUrlText = this.getDocumentUrlText();
1354             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentUrlText", buffer, theDocumentUrlText);
1355         }
1356         {
1357             String theDocumentUrlHtml;
1358             theDocumentUrlHtml = this.getDocumentUrlHtml();
1359             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentUrlHtml", buffer, theDocumentUrlHtml);
1360         }
1361         {
1362             String theDocumentStatusUrlXml;
1363             theDocumentStatusUrlXml = this.getDocumentStatusUrlXml();
1364             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "documentStatusUrlXml", buffer, theDocumentStatusUrlXml);
1365         }
1366         {
1367             String theCommitteeReportUrlXml;
1368             theCommitteeReportUrlXml = this.getCommitteeReportUrlXml();
1369             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "committeeReportUrlXml", buffer, theCommitteeReportUrlXml);
1370         }
1371         return buffer;
1372     }
1374     public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy strategy) {
1375         if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) {
1376             return false;
1377         }
1378         if (this == object) {
1379             return true;
1380         }
1381         final DocumentElement that = ((DocumentElement) object);
1382         {
1383             BigInteger lhsHit;
1384             lhsHit = this.getHit();
1385             BigInteger rhsHit;
1386             rhsHit = that.getHit();
1387             if (!strategy.equals(, "hit", lhsHit),, "hit", rhsHit), lhsHit, rhsHit)) {
1388                 return false;
1389             }
1390         }
1391         {
1392             String lhsId;
1393             lhsId = this.getId();
1394             String rhsId;
1395             rhsId = that.getId();
1396             if (!strategy.equals(, "id", lhsId),, "id", rhsId), lhsId, rhsId)) {
1397                 return false;
1398             }
1399         }
1400         {
1401             String lhsDomainOrg;
1402             lhsDomainOrg = this.getDomainOrg();
1403             String rhsDomainOrg;
1404             rhsDomainOrg = that.getDomainOrg();
1405             if (!strategy.equals(, "domainOrg", lhsDomainOrg),, "domainOrg", rhsDomainOrg), lhsDomainOrg, rhsDomainOrg)) {
1406                 return false;
1407             }
1408         }
1409         {
1410             String lhsDocumentName;
1411             lhsDocumentName = this.getDocumentName();
1412             String rhsDocumentName;
1413             rhsDocumentName = that.getDocumentName();
1414             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentName", lhsDocumentName),, "documentName", rhsDocumentName), lhsDocumentName, rhsDocumentName)) {
1415                 return false;
1416             }
1417         }
1418         {
1419             String lhsDebateName;
1420             lhsDebateName = this.getDebateName();
1421             String rhsDebateName;
1422             rhsDebateName = that.getDebateName();
1423             if (!strategy.equals(, "debateName", lhsDebateName),, "debateName", rhsDebateName), lhsDebateName, rhsDebateName)) {
1424                 return false;
1425             }
1426         }
1427         {
1428             String lhsNoteTitle;
1429             lhsNoteTitle = this.getNoteTitle();
1430             String rhsNoteTitle;
1431             rhsNoteTitle = that.getNoteTitle();
1432             if (!strategy.equals(, "noteTitle", lhsNoteTitle),, "noteTitle", rhsNoteTitle), lhsNoteTitle, rhsNoteTitle)) {
1433                 return false;
1434             }
1435         }
1436         {
1437             String lhsNote;
1438             lhsNote = this.getNote();
1439             String rhsNote;
1440             rhsNote = that.getNote();
1441             if (!strategy.equals(, "note", lhsNote),, "note", rhsNote), lhsNote, rhsNote)) {
1442                 return false;
1443             }
1444         }
1445         {
1446             String lhsSummary;
1447             lhsSummary = this.getSummary();
1448             String rhsSummary;
1449             rhsSummary = that.getSummary();
1450             if (!strategy.equals(, "summary", lhsSummary),, "summary", rhsSummary), lhsSummary, rhsSummary)) {
1451                 return false;
1452             }
1453         }
1454         {
1455             String lhsDatabaseSource;
1456             lhsDatabaseSource = this.getDatabaseSource();
1457             String rhsDatabaseSource;
1458             rhsDatabaseSource = that.getDatabaseSource();
1459             if (!strategy.equals(, "databaseSource", lhsDatabaseSource),, "databaseSource", rhsDatabaseSource), lhsDatabaseSource, rhsDatabaseSource)) {
1460                 return false;
1461             }
1462         }
1463         {
1464             String lhsOrigin;
1465             lhsOrigin = this.getOrigin();
1466             String rhsOrigin;
1467             rhsOrigin = that.getOrigin();
1468             if (!strategy.equals(, "origin", lhsOrigin),, "origin", rhsOrigin), lhsOrigin, rhsOrigin)) {
1469                 return false;
1470             }
1471         }
1472         {
1473             String lhsLang;
1474             lhsLang = this.getLang();
1475             String rhsLang;
1476             rhsLang = that.getLang();
1477             if (!strategy.equals(, "lang", lhsLang),, "lang", rhsLang), lhsLang, rhsLang)) {
1478                 return false;
1479             }
1480         }
1481         {
1482             String lhsRm;
1483             lhsRm = this.getRm();
1484             String rhsRm;
1485             rhsRm = that.getRm();
1486             if (!strategy.equals(, "rm", lhsRm),, "rm", rhsRm), lhsRm, rhsRm)) {
1487                 return false;
1488             }
1489         }
1490         {
1491             String lhsRelatedId;
1492             lhsRelatedId = this.getRelatedId();
1493             String rhsRelatedId;
1494             rhsRelatedId = that.getRelatedId();
1495             if (!strategy.equals(, "relatedId", lhsRelatedId),, "relatedId", rhsRelatedId), lhsRelatedId, rhsRelatedId)) {
1496                 return false;
1497             }
1498         }
1499         {
1500             String lhsDocumentType;
1501             lhsDocumentType = this.getDocumentType();
1502             String rhsDocumentType;
1503             rhsDocumentType = that.getDocumentType();
1504             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentType", lhsDocumentType),, "documentType", rhsDocumentType), lhsDocumentType, rhsDocumentType)) {
1505                 return false;
1506             }
1507         }
1508         {
1509             String lhsDocType;
1510             lhsDocType = this.getDocType();
1511             String rhsDocType;
1512             rhsDocType = that.getDocType();
1513             if (!strategy.equals(, "docType", lhsDocType),, "docType", rhsDocType), lhsDocType, rhsDocType)) {
1514                 return false;
1515             }
1516         }
1517         {
1518             String lhsSubType;
1519             lhsSubType = this.getSubType();
1520             String rhsSubType;
1521             rhsSubType = that.getSubType();
1522             if (!strategy.equals(, "subType", lhsSubType),, "subType", rhsSubType), lhsSubType, rhsSubType)) {
1523                 return false;
1524             }
1525         }
1526         {
1527             String lhsStatus;
1528             lhsStatus = this.getStatus();
1529             String rhsStatus;
1530             rhsStatus = that.getStatus();
1531             if (!strategy.equals(, "status", lhsStatus),, "status", rhsStatus), lhsStatus, rhsStatus)) {
1532                 return false;
1533             }
1534         }
1535         {
1536             String lhsLabel;
1537             lhsLabel = this.getLabel();
1538             String rhsLabel;
1539             rhsLabel = that.getLabel();
1540             if (!strategy.equals(, "label", lhsLabel),, "label", rhsLabel), lhsLabel, rhsLabel)) {
1541                 return false;
1542             }
1543         }
1544         {
1545             String lhsTempLabel;
1546             lhsTempLabel = this.getTempLabel();
1547             String rhsTempLabel;
1548             rhsTempLabel = that.getTempLabel();
1549             if (!strategy.equals(, "tempLabel", lhsTempLabel),, "tempLabel", rhsTempLabel), lhsTempLabel, rhsTempLabel)) {
1550                 return false;
1551             }
1552         }
1553         {
1554             String lhsOrg;
1555             lhsOrg = this.getOrg();
1556             String rhsOrg;
1557             rhsOrg = that.getOrg();
1558             if (!strategy.equals(, "org", lhsOrg),, "org", rhsOrg), lhsOrg, rhsOrg)) {
1559                 return false;
1560             }
1561         }
1562         {
1563             BigInteger lhsNumberValue;
1564             lhsNumberValue = this.getNumberValue();
1565             BigInteger rhsNumberValue;
1566             rhsNumberValue = that.getNumberValue();
1567             if (!strategy.equals(, "numberValue", lhsNumberValue),, "numberValue", rhsNumberValue), lhsNumberValue, rhsNumberValue)) {
1568                 return false;
1569             }
1570         }
1571         {
1572             String lhsTitle;
1573             lhsTitle = this.getTitle();
1574             String rhsTitle;
1575             rhsTitle = that.getTitle();
1576             if (!strategy.equals(, "title", lhsTitle),, "title", rhsTitle), lhsTitle, rhsTitle)) {
1577                 return false;
1578             }
1579         }
1580         {
1581             String lhsSubTitle;
1582             lhsSubTitle = this.getSubTitle();
1583             String rhsSubTitle;
1584             rhsSubTitle = that.getSubTitle();
1585             if (!strategy.equals(, "subTitle", lhsSubTitle),, "subTitle", rhsSubTitle), lhsSubTitle, rhsSubTitle)) {
1586                 return false;
1587             }
1588         }
1589         {
1590             String lhsCreatedDate;
1591             lhsCreatedDate = this.getCreatedDate();
1592             String rhsCreatedDate;
1593             rhsCreatedDate = that.getCreatedDate();
1594             if (!strategy.equals(, "createdDate", lhsCreatedDate),, "createdDate", rhsCreatedDate), lhsCreatedDate, rhsCreatedDate)) {
1595                 return false;
1596             }
1597         }
1598         {
1599             String lhsMadePublicDate;
1600             lhsMadePublicDate = this.getMadePublicDate();
1601             String rhsMadePublicDate;
1602             rhsMadePublicDate = that.getMadePublicDate();
1603             if (!strategy.equals(, "madePublicDate", lhsMadePublicDate),, "madePublicDate", rhsMadePublicDate), lhsMadePublicDate, rhsMadePublicDate)) {
1604                 return false;
1605             }
1606         }
1607         {
1608             String lhsSystemDate;
1609             lhsSystemDate = this.getSystemDate();
1610             String rhsSystemDate;
1611             rhsSystemDate = that.getSystemDate();
1612             if (!strategy.equals(, "systemDate", lhsSystemDate),, "systemDate", rhsSystemDate), lhsSystemDate, rhsSystemDate)) {
1613                 return false;
1614             }
1615         }
1616         {
1617             String lhsKallId;
1618             lhsKallId = this.getKallId();
1619             String rhsKallId;
1620             rhsKallId = that.getKallId();
1621             if (!strategy.equals(, "kallId", lhsKallId),, "kallId", rhsKallId), lhsKallId, rhsKallId)) {
1622                 return false;
1623             }
1624         }
1625         {
1626             String lhsDocumentFormat;
1627             lhsDocumentFormat = this.getDocumentFormat();
1628             String rhsDocumentFormat;
1629             rhsDocumentFormat = that.getDocumentFormat();
1630             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentFormat", lhsDocumentFormat),, "documentFormat", rhsDocumentFormat), lhsDocumentFormat, rhsDocumentFormat)) {
1631                 return false;
1632             }
1633         }
1634         {
1635             String lhsDocumentUrlText;
1636             lhsDocumentUrlText = this.getDocumentUrlText();
1637             String rhsDocumentUrlText;
1638             rhsDocumentUrlText = that.getDocumentUrlText();
1639             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentUrlText", lhsDocumentUrlText),, "documentUrlText", rhsDocumentUrlText), lhsDocumentUrlText, rhsDocumentUrlText)) {
1640                 return false;
1641             }
1642         }
1643         {
1644             String lhsDocumentUrlHtml;
1645             lhsDocumentUrlHtml = this.getDocumentUrlHtml();
1646             String rhsDocumentUrlHtml;
1647             rhsDocumentUrlHtml = that.getDocumentUrlHtml();
1648             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentUrlHtml", lhsDocumentUrlHtml),, "documentUrlHtml", rhsDocumentUrlHtml), lhsDocumentUrlHtml, rhsDocumentUrlHtml)) {
1649                 return false;
1650             }
1651         }
1652         {
1653             String lhsDocumentStatusUrlXml;
1654             lhsDocumentStatusUrlXml = this.getDocumentStatusUrlXml();
1655             String rhsDocumentStatusUrlXml;
1656             rhsDocumentStatusUrlXml = that.getDocumentStatusUrlXml();
1657             if (!strategy.equals(, "documentStatusUrlXml", lhsDocumentStatusUrlXml),, "documentStatusUrlXml", rhsDocumentStatusUrlXml), lhsDocumentStatusUrlXml, rhsDocumentStatusUrlXml)) {
1658                 return false;
1659             }
1660         }
1661         {
1662             String lhsCommitteeReportUrlXml;
1663             lhsCommitteeReportUrlXml = this.getCommitteeReportUrlXml();
1664             String rhsCommitteeReportUrlXml;
1665             rhsCommitteeReportUrlXml = that.getCommitteeReportUrlXml();
1666             if (!strategy.equals(, "committeeReportUrlXml", lhsCommitteeReportUrlXml),, "committeeReportUrlXml", rhsCommitteeReportUrlXml), lhsCommitteeReportUrlXml, rhsCommitteeReportUrlXml)) {
1667                 return false;
1668             }
1669         }
1670         return true;
1671     }
1673     public boolean equals(Object object) {
1674         final EqualsStrategy strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE;
1675         return equals(null, null, object, strategy);
1676     }
1678     public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy strategy) {
1679         int currentHashCode = 1;
1680         {
1681             BigInteger theHit;
1682             theHit = this.getHit();
1683             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "hit", theHit), currentHashCode, theHit);
1684         }
1685         {
1686             String theId;
1687             theId = this.getId();
1688             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "id", theId), currentHashCode, theId);
1689         }
1690         {
1691             String theDomainOrg;
1692             theDomainOrg = this.getDomainOrg();
1693             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "domainOrg", theDomainOrg), currentHashCode, theDomainOrg);
1694         }
1695         {
1696             String theDocumentName;
1697             theDocumentName = this.getDocumentName();
1698             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentName", theDocumentName), currentHashCode, theDocumentName);
1699         }
1700         {
1701             String theDebateName;
1702             theDebateName = this.getDebateName();
1703             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "debateName", theDebateName), currentHashCode, theDebateName);
1704         }
1705         {
1706             String theNoteTitle;
1707             theNoteTitle = this.getNoteTitle();
1708             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "noteTitle", theNoteTitle), currentHashCode, theNoteTitle);
1709         }
1710         {
1711             String theNote;
1712             theNote = this.getNote();
1713             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "note", theNote), currentHashCode, theNote);
1714         }
1715         {
1716             String theSummary;
1717             theSummary = this.getSummary();
1718             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "summary", theSummary), currentHashCode, theSummary);
1719         }
1720         {
1721             String theDatabaseSource;
1722             theDatabaseSource = this.getDatabaseSource();
1723             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "databaseSource", theDatabaseSource), currentHashCode, theDatabaseSource);
1724         }
1725         {
1726             String theOrigin;
1727             theOrigin = this.getOrigin();
1728             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "origin", theOrigin), currentHashCode, theOrigin);
1729         }
1730         {
1731             String theLang;
1732             theLang = this.getLang();
1733             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "lang", theLang), currentHashCode, theLang);
1734         }
1735         {
1736             String theRm;
1737             theRm = this.getRm();
1738             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "rm", theRm), currentHashCode, theRm);
1739         }
1740         {
1741             String theRelatedId;
1742             theRelatedId = this.getRelatedId();
1743             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "relatedId", theRelatedId), currentHashCode, theRelatedId);
1744         }
1745         {
1746             String theDocumentType;
1747             theDocumentType = this.getDocumentType();
1748             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentType", theDocumentType), currentHashCode, theDocumentType);
1749         }
1750         {
1751             String theDocType;
1752             theDocType = this.getDocType();
1753             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "docType", theDocType), currentHashCode, theDocType);
1754         }
1755         {
1756             String theSubType;
1757             theSubType = this.getSubType();
1758             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "subType", theSubType), currentHashCode, theSubType);
1759         }
1760         {
1761             String theStatus;
1762             theStatus = this.getStatus();
1763             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "status", theStatus), currentHashCode, theStatus);
1764         }
1765         {
1766             String theLabel;
1767             theLabel = this.getLabel();
1768             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "label", theLabel), currentHashCode, theLabel);
1769         }
1770         {
1771             String theTempLabel;
1772             theTempLabel = this.getTempLabel();
1773             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "tempLabel", theTempLabel), currentHashCode, theTempLabel);
1774         }
1775         {
1776             String theOrg;
1777             theOrg = this.getOrg();
1778             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "org", theOrg), currentHashCode, theOrg);
1779         }
1780         {
1781             BigInteger theNumberValue;
1782             theNumberValue = this.getNumberValue();
1783             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "numberValue", theNumberValue), currentHashCode, theNumberValue);
1784         }
1785         {
1786             String theTitle;
1787             theTitle = this.getTitle();
1788             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "title", theTitle), currentHashCode, theTitle);
1789         }
1790         {
1791             String theSubTitle;
1792             theSubTitle = this.getSubTitle();
1793             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "subTitle", theSubTitle), currentHashCode, theSubTitle);
1794         }
1795         {
1796             String theCreatedDate;
1797             theCreatedDate = this.getCreatedDate();
1798             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "createdDate", theCreatedDate), currentHashCode, theCreatedDate);
1799         }
1800         {
1801             String theMadePublicDate;
1802             theMadePublicDate = this.getMadePublicDate();
1803             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "madePublicDate", theMadePublicDate), currentHashCode, theMadePublicDate);
1804         }
1805         {
1806             String theSystemDate;
1807             theSystemDate = this.getSystemDate();
1808             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "systemDate", theSystemDate), currentHashCode, theSystemDate);
1809         }
1810         {
1811             String theKallId;
1812             theKallId = this.getKallId();
1813             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "kallId", theKallId), currentHashCode, theKallId);
1814         }
1815         {
1816             String theDocumentFormat;
1817             theDocumentFormat = this.getDocumentFormat();
1818             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentFormat", theDocumentFormat), currentHashCode, theDocumentFormat);
1819         }
1820         {
1821             String theDocumentUrlText;
1822             theDocumentUrlText = this.getDocumentUrlText();
1823             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentUrlText", theDocumentUrlText), currentHashCode, theDocumentUrlText);
1824         }
1825         {
1826             String theDocumentUrlHtml;
1827             theDocumentUrlHtml = this.getDocumentUrlHtml();
1828             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentUrlHtml", theDocumentUrlHtml), currentHashCode, theDocumentUrlHtml);
1829         }
1830         {
1831             String theDocumentStatusUrlXml;
1832             theDocumentStatusUrlXml = this.getDocumentStatusUrlXml();
1833             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "documentStatusUrlXml", theDocumentStatusUrlXml), currentHashCode, theDocumentStatusUrlXml);
1834         }
1835         {
1836             String theCommitteeReportUrlXml;
1837             theCommitteeReportUrlXml = this.getCommitteeReportUrlXml();
1838             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "committeeReportUrlXml", theCommitteeReportUrlXml), currentHashCode, theCommitteeReportUrlXml);
1839         }
1840         return currentHashCode;
1841     }
1843     public int hashCode() {
1844         final HashCodeStrategy strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE;
1845         return this.hashCode(null, strategy);
1846     }
1848 }