View Javadoc
1   //
2   // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11 
3   // See <a href=""></a> 
4   // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
5   // Generated on: 2017.04.23 at 07:23:18 PM CEST 
6   //
9   package;
11  import;
12  import java.math.BigDecimal;
13  import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
14  import javax.persistence.AttributeOverrides;
15  import javax.persistence.Basic;
16  import javax.persistence.Column;
17  import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
18  import javax.persistence.Entity;
19  import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
20  import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
21  import javax.persistence.Table;
22  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
23  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
24  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
25  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
26  import com.hack23.cia.model.common.api.ModelObject;
27  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals;
28  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy;
29  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode;
30  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy;
31  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
32  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
33  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
34  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString;
35  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy;
36  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
37  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;
40  /**
41   * <p>Java class for ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily complex type.
42   * 
43   * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
44   * 
45   * <pre>
46   * &lt;complexType name="ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily"&gt;
47   *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
48   *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
49   *       &lt;sequence&gt;
50   *         &lt;element name="embeddedId" type="{}RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId"/&gt;
51   *         &lt;element name="total_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
52   *         &lt;element name="yes_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
53   *         &lt;element name="no_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
54   *         &lt;element name="number_ballots" type="{}long"/&gt;
55   *         &lt;element name="abstain_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
56   *         &lt;element name="absent_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
57   *         &lt;element name="approved_total" type="{}long"/&gt;
58   *         &lt;element name="approved_percentage" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
59   *         &lt;element name="percentage_yes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
60   *         &lt;element name="percentage_no" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
61   *         &lt;element name="percentage_absent" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
62   *         &lt;element name="percentage_abstain" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
63   *         &lt;element name="percentage_approved" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
64   *         &lt;element name="party_avg_born_year" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
65   *         &lt;element name="party_total_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
66   *         &lt;element name="party_yes_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
67   *         &lt;element name="party_no_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
68   *         &lt;element name="party_abstain_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
69   *         &lt;element name="party_absent_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
70   *         &lt;element name="party_percentage_yes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
71   *         &lt;element name="party_percentage_no" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
72   *         &lt;element name="party_percentage_absent" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
73   *         &lt;element name="party_percentage_abstain" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
74   *         &lt;element name="party_avg_percentage_male" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
75   *         &lt;element name="party_won_total" type="{}long"/&gt;
76   *         &lt;element name="party_won_percentage" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
77   *         &lt;element name="avg_total_votes" type="{}long"/&gt;
78   *         &lt;element name="avg_yes_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
79   *         &lt;element name="avg_no_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
80   *         &lt;element name="avg_abstain_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
81   *         &lt;element name="avg_absent_votes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
82   *         &lt;element name="avg_percentage_yes" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
83   *         &lt;element name="avg_percentage_no" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
84   *         &lt;element name="avg_percentage_absent" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
85   *         &lt;element name="avg_percentage_abstain" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
86   *         &lt;element name="avg_percentage_male" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
87   *         &lt;element name="avg_born_year" type="{}decimal"/&gt;
88   *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
89   *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
90   *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
91   * &lt;/complexType&gt;
92   * </pre>
93   * 
94   * 
95   */
96  @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
97  @XmlType(name = "ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily", propOrder = {
98      "embeddedId",
99      "totalVotes",
100     "yesVotes",
101     "noVotes",
102     "numberBallots",
103     "abstainVotes",
104     "absentVotes",
105     "approvedTotal",
106     "approvedPercentage",
107     "percentageYes",
108     "percentageNo",
109     "percentageAbsent",
110     "percentageAbstain",
111     "percentageApproved",
112     "partyAvgBornYear",
113     "partyTotalVotes",
114     "partyYesVotes",
115     "partyNoVotes",
116     "partyAbstainVotes",
117     "partyAbsentVotes",
118     "partyPercentageYes",
119     "partyPercentageNo",
120     "partyPercentageAbsent",
121     "partyPercentageAbstain",
122     "partyAvgPercentageMale",
123     "partyWonTotal",
124     "partyWonPercentage",
125     "avgTotalVotes",
126     "avgYesVotes",
127     "avgNoVotes",
128     "avgAbstainVotes",
129     "avgAbsentVotes",
130     "avgPercentageYes",
131     "avgPercentageNo",
132     "avgPercentageAbsent",
133     "avgPercentageAbstain",
134     "avgPercentageMale",
135     "avgBornYear"
136 })
137 @Entity(name = "ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily")
138 @Table(name = "View_Riksdagen_Vote_Data_Ballot_Party_Summary_Daily")
139 @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
140 public class ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily
141     implements Serializable, ModelObject, Equals, HashCode, ToString
142 {
144     private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
145     @XmlElement(required = true)
146     protected RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId embeddedId;
147     @XmlElement(name = "total_votes", required = true)
148     protected BigDecimal totalVotes;
149     @XmlElement(name = "yes_votes", required = true)
150     protected BigDecimal yesVotes;
151     @XmlElement(name = "no_votes", required = true)
152     protected BigDecimal noVotes;
153     @XmlElement(name = "number_ballots")
154     protected long numberBallots;
155     @XmlElement(name = "abstain_votes", required = true)
156     protected BigDecimal abstainVotes;
157     @XmlElement(name = "absent_votes", required = true)
158     protected BigDecimal absentVotes;
159     @XmlElement(name = "approved_total")
160     protected long approvedTotal;
161     @XmlElement(name = "approved_percentage", required = true)
162     protected BigDecimal approvedPercentage;
163     @XmlElement(name = "percentage_yes", required = true)
164     protected BigDecimal percentageYes;
165     @XmlElement(name = "percentage_no", required = true)
166     protected BigDecimal percentageNo;
167     @XmlElement(name = "percentage_absent", required = true)
168     protected BigDecimal percentageAbsent;
169     @XmlElement(name = "percentage_abstain", required = true)
170     protected BigDecimal percentageAbstain;
171     @XmlElement(name = "percentage_approved", required = true)
172     protected BigDecimal percentageApproved;
173     @XmlElement(name = "party_avg_born_year", required = true)
174     protected BigDecimal partyAvgBornYear;
175     @XmlElement(name = "party_total_votes", required = true)
176     protected BigDecimal partyTotalVotes;
177     @XmlElement(name = "party_yes_votes", required = true)
178     protected BigDecimal partyYesVotes;
179     @XmlElement(name = "party_no_votes", required = true)
180     protected BigDecimal partyNoVotes;
181     @XmlElement(name = "party_abstain_votes", required = true)
182     protected BigDecimal partyAbstainVotes;
183     @XmlElement(name = "party_absent_votes", required = true)
184     protected BigDecimal partyAbsentVotes;
185     @XmlElement(name = "party_percentage_yes", required = true)
186     protected BigDecimal partyPercentageYes;
187     @XmlElement(name = "party_percentage_no", required = true)
188     protected BigDecimal partyPercentageNo;
189     @XmlElement(name = "party_percentage_absent", required = true)
190     protected BigDecimal partyPercentageAbsent;
191     @XmlElement(name = "party_percentage_abstain", required = true)
192     protected BigDecimal partyPercentageAbstain;
193     @XmlElement(name = "party_avg_percentage_male", required = true)
194     protected BigDecimal partyAvgPercentageMale;
195     @XmlElement(name = "party_won_total")
196     protected long partyWonTotal;
197     @XmlElement(name = "party_won_percentage", required = true)
198     protected BigDecimal partyWonPercentage;
199     @XmlElement(name = "avg_total_votes")
200     protected long avgTotalVotes;
201     @XmlElement(name = "avg_yes_votes", required = true)
202     protected BigDecimal avgYesVotes;
203     @XmlElement(name = "avg_no_votes", required = true)
204     protected BigDecimal avgNoVotes;
205     @XmlElement(name = "avg_abstain_votes", required = true)
206     protected BigDecimal avgAbstainVotes;
207     @XmlElement(name = "avg_absent_votes", required = true)
208     protected BigDecimal avgAbsentVotes;
209     @XmlElement(name = "avg_percentage_yes", required = true)
210     protected BigDecimal avgPercentageYes;
211     @XmlElement(name = "avg_percentage_no", required = true)
212     protected BigDecimal avgPercentageNo;
213     @XmlElement(name = "avg_percentage_absent", required = true)
214     protected BigDecimal avgPercentageAbsent;
215     @XmlElement(name = "avg_percentage_abstain", required = true)
216     protected BigDecimal avgPercentageAbstain;
217     @XmlElement(name = "avg_percentage_male", required = true)
218     protected BigDecimal avgPercentageMale;
219     @XmlElement(name = "avg_born_year", required = true)
220     protected BigDecimal avgBornYear;
222     /**
223      * Gets the value of the embeddedId property.
224      * 
225      * @return
226      *     possible object is
227      *     {@link RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId }
228      *     
229      */
230     @EmbeddedId
231     @AttributeOverrides({
232         @AttributeOverride(name = "voteDate", column = @Column(name = "EMBEDDED_ID_VOTE_DATE")),
233         @AttributeOverride(name = "party", column = @Column(name = "EMBEDDED_ID_PARTY", length = 255))
234     })
235     public RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId getEmbeddedId() {
236         return embeddedId;
237     }
239     /**
240      * Sets the value of the embeddedId property.
241      * 
242      * @param value
243      *     allowed object is
244      *     {@link RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId }
245      *     
246      */
247     public void setEmbeddedId(RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId value) {
248         this.embeddedId = value;
249     }
251     /**
252      * Gets the value of the totalVotes property.
253      * 
254      * @return
255      *     possible object is
256      *     {@link BigDecimal }
257      *     
258      */
259     @Basic
260     @Column(name = "TOTAL_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
261     public BigDecimal getTotalVotes() {
262         return totalVotes;
263     }
265     /**
266      * Sets the value of the totalVotes property.
267      * 
268      * @param value
269      *     allowed object is
270      *     {@link BigDecimal }
271      *     
272      */
273     public void setTotalVotes(BigDecimal value) {
274         this.totalVotes = value;
275     }
277     /**
278      * Gets the value of the yesVotes property.
279      * 
280      * @return
281      *     possible object is
282      *     {@link BigDecimal }
283      *     
284      */
285     @Basic
286     @Column(name = "YES_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
287     public BigDecimal getYesVotes() {
288         return yesVotes;
289     }
291     /**
292      * Sets the value of the yesVotes property.
293      * 
294      * @param value
295      *     allowed object is
296      *     {@link BigDecimal }
297      *     
298      */
299     public void setYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
300         this.yesVotes = value;
301     }
303     /**
304      * Gets the value of the noVotes property.
305      * 
306      * @return
307      *     possible object is
308      *     {@link BigDecimal }
309      *     
310      */
311     @Basic
312     @Column(name = "NO_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
313     public BigDecimal getNoVotes() {
314         return noVotes;
315     }
317     /**
318      * Sets the value of the noVotes property.
319      * 
320      * @param value
321      *     allowed object is
322      *     {@link BigDecimal }
323      *     
324      */
325     public void setNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
326         this.noVotes = value;
327     }
329     /**
330      * Gets the value of the numberBallots property.
331      * 
332      */
333     @Basic
334     @Column(name = "NUMBER_BALLOTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
335     public long getNumberBallots() {
336         return numberBallots;
337     }
339     /**
340      * Sets the value of the numberBallots property.
341      * 
342      */
343     public void setNumberBallots(long value) {
344         this.numberBallots = value;
345     }
347     /**
348      * Gets the value of the abstainVotes property.
349      * 
350      * @return
351      *     possible object is
352      *     {@link BigDecimal }
353      *     
354      */
355     @Basic
356     @Column(name = "ABSTAIN_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
357     public BigDecimal getAbstainVotes() {
358         return abstainVotes;
359     }
361     /**
362      * Sets the value of the abstainVotes property.
363      * 
364      * @param value
365      *     allowed object is
366      *     {@link BigDecimal }
367      *     
368      */
369     public void setAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
370         this.abstainVotes = value;
371     }
373     /**
374      * Gets the value of the absentVotes property.
375      * 
376      * @return
377      *     possible object is
378      *     {@link BigDecimal }
379      *     
380      */
381     @Basic
382     @Column(name = "ABSENT_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
383     public BigDecimal getAbsentVotes() {
384         return absentVotes;
385     }
387     /**
388      * Sets the value of the absentVotes property.
389      * 
390      * @param value
391      *     allowed object is
392      *     {@link BigDecimal }
393      *     
394      */
395     public void setAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
396         this.absentVotes = value;
397     }
399     /**
400      * Gets the value of the approvedTotal property.
401      * 
402      */
403     @Basic
404     @Column(name = "APPROVED_TOTAL", precision = 20, scale = 0)
405     public long getApprovedTotal() {
406         return approvedTotal;
407     }
409     /**
410      * Sets the value of the approvedTotal property.
411      * 
412      */
413     public void setApprovedTotal(long value) {
414         this.approvedTotal = value;
415     }
417     /**
418      * Gets the value of the approvedPercentage property.
419      * 
420      * @return
421      *     possible object is
422      *     {@link BigDecimal }
423      *     
424      */
425     @Basic
426     @Column(name = "APPROVED_PERCENTAGE", precision = 20, scale = 10)
427     public BigDecimal getApprovedPercentage() {
428         return approvedPercentage;
429     }
431     /**
432      * Sets the value of the approvedPercentage property.
433      * 
434      * @param value
435      *     allowed object is
436      *     {@link BigDecimal }
437      *     
438      */
439     public void setApprovedPercentage(BigDecimal value) {
440         this.approvedPercentage = value;
441     }
443     /**
444      * Gets the value of the percentageYes property.
445      * 
446      * @return
447      *     possible object is
448      *     {@link BigDecimal }
449      *     
450      */
451     @Basic
452     @Column(name = "PERCENTAGE_YES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
453     public BigDecimal getPercentageYes() {
454         return percentageYes;
455     }
457     /**
458      * Sets the value of the percentageYes property.
459      * 
460      * @param value
461      *     allowed object is
462      *     {@link BigDecimal }
463      *     
464      */
465     public void setPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
466         this.percentageYes = value;
467     }
469     /**
470      * Gets the value of the percentageNo property.
471      * 
472      * @return
473      *     possible object is
474      *     {@link BigDecimal }
475      *     
476      */
477     @Basic
478     @Column(name = "PERCENTAGE_NO", precision = 20, scale = 10)
479     public BigDecimal getPercentageNo() {
480         return percentageNo;
481     }
483     /**
484      * Sets the value of the percentageNo property.
485      * 
486      * @param value
487      *     allowed object is
488      *     {@link BigDecimal }
489      *     
490      */
491     public void setPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
492         this.percentageNo = value;
493     }
495     /**
496      * Gets the value of the percentageAbsent property.
497      * 
498      * @return
499      *     possible object is
500      *     {@link BigDecimal }
501      *     
502      */
503     @Basic
504     @Column(name = "PERCENTAGE_ABSENT", precision = 20, scale = 10)
505     public BigDecimal getPercentageAbsent() {
506         return percentageAbsent;
507     }
509     /**
510      * Sets the value of the percentageAbsent property.
511      * 
512      * @param value
513      *     allowed object is
514      *     {@link BigDecimal }
515      *     
516      */
517     public void setPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
518         this.percentageAbsent = value;
519     }
521     /**
522      * Gets the value of the percentageAbstain property.
523      * 
524      * @return
525      *     possible object is
526      *     {@link BigDecimal }
527      *     
528      */
529     @Basic
530     @Column(name = "PERCENTAGE_ABSTAIN", precision = 20, scale = 10)
531     public BigDecimal getPercentageAbstain() {
532         return percentageAbstain;
533     }
535     /**
536      * Sets the value of the percentageAbstain property.
537      * 
538      * @param value
539      *     allowed object is
540      *     {@link BigDecimal }
541      *     
542      */
543     public void setPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
544         this.percentageAbstain = value;
545     }
547     /**
548      * Gets the value of the percentageApproved property.
549      * 
550      * @return
551      *     possible object is
552      *     {@link BigDecimal }
553      *     
554      */
555     @Basic
556     @Column(name = "PERCENTAGE_APPROVED", precision = 20, scale = 10)
557     public BigDecimal getPercentageApproved() {
558         return percentageApproved;
559     }
561     /**
562      * Sets the value of the percentageApproved property.
563      * 
564      * @param value
565      *     allowed object is
566      *     {@link BigDecimal }
567      *     
568      */
569     public void setPercentageApproved(BigDecimal value) {
570         this.percentageApproved = value;
571     }
573     /**
574      * Gets the value of the partyAvgBornYear property.
575      * 
576      * @return
577      *     possible object is
578      *     {@link BigDecimal }
579      *     
580      */
581     @Basic
582     @Column(name = "PARTY_AVG_BORN_YEAR", precision = 20, scale = 10)
583     public BigDecimal getPartyAvgBornYear() {
584         return partyAvgBornYear;
585     }
587     /**
588      * Sets the value of the partyAvgBornYear property.
589      * 
590      * @param value
591      *     allowed object is
592      *     {@link BigDecimal }
593      *     
594      */
595     public void setPartyAvgBornYear(BigDecimal value) {
596         this.partyAvgBornYear = value;
597     }
599     /**
600      * Gets the value of the partyTotalVotes property.
601      * 
602      * @return
603      *     possible object is
604      *     {@link BigDecimal }
605      *     
606      */
607     @Basic
608     @Column(name = "PARTY_TOTAL_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
609     public BigDecimal getPartyTotalVotes() {
610         return partyTotalVotes;
611     }
613     /**
614      * Sets the value of the partyTotalVotes property.
615      * 
616      * @param value
617      *     allowed object is
618      *     {@link BigDecimal }
619      *     
620      */
621     public void setPartyTotalVotes(BigDecimal value) {
622         this.partyTotalVotes = value;
623     }
625     /**
626      * Gets the value of the partyYesVotes property.
627      * 
628      * @return
629      *     possible object is
630      *     {@link BigDecimal }
631      *     
632      */
633     @Basic
634     @Column(name = "PARTY_YES_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
635     public BigDecimal getPartyYesVotes() {
636         return partyYesVotes;
637     }
639     /**
640      * Sets the value of the partyYesVotes property.
641      * 
642      * @param value
643      *     allowed object is
644      *     {@link BigDecimal }
645      *     
646      */
647     public void setPartyYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
648         this.partyYesVotes = value;
649     }
651     /**
652      * Gets the value of the partyNoVotes property.
653      * 
654      * @return
655      *     possible object is
656      *     {@link BigDecimal }
657      *     
658      */
659     @Basic
660     @Column(name = "PARTY_NO_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
661     public BigDecimal getPartyNoVotes() {
662         return partyNoVotes;
663     }
665     /**
666      * Sets the value of the partyNoVotes property.
667      * 
668      * @param value
669      *     allowed object is
670      *     {@link BigDecimal }
671      *     
672      */
673     public void setPartyNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
674         this.partyNoVotes = value;
675     }
677     /**
678      * Gets the value of the partyAbstainVotes property.
679      * 
680      * @return
681      *     possible object is
682      *     {@link BigDecimal }
683      *     
684      */
685     @Basic
686     @Column(name = "PARTY_ABSTAIN_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
687     public BigDecimal getPartyAbstainVotes() {
688         return partyAbstainVotes;
689     }
691     /**
692      * Sets the value of the partyAbstainVotes property.
693      * 
694      * @param value
695      *     allowed object is
696      *     {@link BigDecimal }
697      *     
698      */
699     public void setPartyAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
700         this.partyAbstainVotes = value;
701     }
703     /**
704      * Gets the value of the partyAbsentVotes property.
705      * 
706      * @return
707      *     possible object is
708      *     {@link BigDecimal }
709      *     
710      */
711     @Basic
712     @Column(name = "PARTY_ABSENT_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
713     public BigDecimal getPartyAbsentVotes() {
714         return partyAbsentVotes;
715     }
717     /**
718      * Sets the value of the partyAbsentVotes property.
719      * 
720      * @param value
721      *     allowed object is
722      *     {@link BigDecimal }
723      *     
724      */
725     public void setPartyAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
726         this.partyAbsentVotes = value;
727     }
729     /**
730      * Gets the value of the partyPercentageYes property.
731      * 
732      * @return
733      *     possible object is
734      *     {@link BigDecimal }
735      *     
736      */
737     @Basic
738     @Column(name = "PARTY_PERCENTAGE_YES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
739     public BigDecimal getPartyPercentageYes() {
740         return partyPercentageYes;
741     }
743     /**
744      * Sets the value of the partyPercentageYes property.
745      * 
746      * @param value
747      *     allowed object is
748      *     {@link BigDecimal }
749      *     
750      */
751     public void setPartyPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
752         this.partyPercentageYes = value;
753     }
755     /**
756      * Gets the value of the partyPercentageNo property.
757      * 
758      * @return
759      *     possible object is
760      *     {@link BigDecimal }
761      *     
762      */
763     @Basic
764     @Column(name = "PARTY_PERCENTAGE_NO", precision = 20, scale = 10)
765     public BigDecimal getPartyPercentageNo() {
766         return partyPercentageNo;
767     }
769     /**
770      * Sets the value of the partyPercentageNo property.
771      * 
772      * @param value
773      *     allowed object is
774      *     {@link BigDecimal }
775      *     
776      */
777     public void setPartyPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
778         this.partyPercentageNo = value;
779     }
781     /**
782      * Gets the value of the partyPercentageAbsent property.
783      * 
784      * @return
785      *     possible object is
786      *     {@link BigDecimal }
787      *     
788      */
789     @Basic
790     @Column(name = "PARTY_PERCENTAGE_ABSENT", precision = 20, scale = 10)
791     public BigDecimal getPartyPercentageAbsent() {
792         return partyPercentageAbsent;
793     }
795     /**
796      * Sets the value of the partyPercentageAbsent property.
797      * 
798      * @param value
799      *     allowed object is
800      *     {@link BigDecimal }
801      *     
802      */
803     public void setPartyPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
804         this.partyPercentageAbsent = value;
805     }
807     /**
808      * Gets the value of the partyPercentageAbstain property.
809      * 
810      * @return
811      *     possible object is
812      *     {@link BigDecimal }
813      *     
814      */
815     @Basic
816     @Column(name = "PARTY_PERCENTAGE_ABSTAIN", precision = 20, scale = 10)
817     public BigDecimal getPartyPercentageAbstain() {
818         return partyPercentageAbstain;
819     }
821     /**
822      * Sets the value of the partyPercentageAbstain property.
823      * 
824      * @param value
825      *     allowed object is
826      *     {@link BigDecimal }
827      *     
828      */
829     public void setPartyPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
830         this.partyPercentageAbstain = value;
831     }
833     /**
834      * Gets the value of the partyAvgPercentageMale property.
835      * 
836      * @return
837      *     possible object is
838      *     {@link BigDecimal }
839      *     
840      */
841     @Basic
842     @Column(name = "PARTY_AVG_PERCENTAGE_MALE", precision = 20, scale = 10)
843     public BigDecimal getPartyAvgPercentageMale() {
844         return partyAvgPercentageMale;
845     }
847     /**
848      * Sets the value of the partyAvgPercentageMale property.
849      * 
850      * @param value
851      *     allowed object is
852      *     {@link BigDecimal }
853      *     
854      */
855     public void setPartyAvgPercentageMale(BigDecimal value) {
856         this.partyAvgPercentageMale = value;
857     }
859     /**
860      * Gets the value of the partyWonTotal property.
861      * 
862      */
863     @Basic
864     @Column(name = "PARTY_WON_TOTAL", precision = 20, scale = 0)
865     public long getPartyWonTotal() {
866         return partyWonTotal;
867     }
869     /**
870      * Sets the value of the partyWonTotal property.
871      * 
872      */
873     public void setPartyWonTotal(long value) {
874         this.partyWonTotal = value;
875     }
877     /**
878      * Gets the value of the partyWonPercentage property.
879      * 
880      * @return
881      *     possible object is
882      *     {@link BigDecimal }
883      *     
884      */
885     @Basic
886     @Column(name = "PARTY_WON_PERCENTAGE", precision = 20, scale = 10)
887     public BigDecimal getPartyWonPercentage() {
888         return partyWonPercentage;
889     }
891     /**
892      * Sets the value of the partyWonPercentage property.
893      * 
894      * @param value
895      *     allowed object is
896      *     {@link BigDecimal }
897      *     
898      */
899     public void setPartyWonPercentage(BigDecimal value) {
900         this.partyWonPercentage = value;
901     }
903     /**
904      * Gets the value of the avgTotalVotes property.
905      * 
906      */
907     @Basic
908     @Column(name = "AVG_TOTAL_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 0)
909     public long getAvgTotalVotes() {
910         return avgTotalVotes;
911     }
913     /**
914      * Sets the value of the avgTotalVotes property.
915      * 
916      */
917     public void setAvgTotalVotes(long value) {
918         this.avgTotalVotes = value;
919     }
921     /**
922      * Gets the value of the avgYesVotes property.
923      * 
924      * @return
925      *     possible object is
926      *     {@link BigDecimal }
927      *     
928      */
929     @Basic
930     @Column(name = "AVG_YES_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
931     public BigDecimal getAvgYesVotes() {
932         return avgYesVotes;
933     }
935     /**
936      * Sets the value of the avgYesVotes property.
937      * 
938      * @param value
939      *     allowed object is
940      *     {@link BigDecimal }
941      *     
942      */
943     public void setAvgYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
944         this.avgYesVotes = value;
945     }
947     /**
948      * Gets the value of the avgNoVotes property.
949      * 
950      * @return
951      *     possible object is
952      *     {@link BigDecimal }
953      *     
954      */
955     @Basic
956     @Column(name = "AVG_NO_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
957     public BigDecimal getAvgNoVotes() {
958         return avgNoVotes;
959     }
961     /**
962      * Sets the value of the avgNoVotes property.
963      * 
964      * @param value
965      *     allowed object is
966      *     {@link BigDecimal }
967      *     
968      */
969     public void setAvgNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
970         this.avgNoVotes = value;
971     }
973     /**
974      * Gets the value of the avgAbstainVotes property.
975      * 
976      * @return
977      *     possible object is
978      *     {@link BigDecimal }
979      *     
980      */
981     @Basic
982     @Column(name = "AVG_ABSTAIN_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
983     public BigDecimal getAvgAbstainVotes() {
984         return avgAbstainVotes;
985     }
987     /**
988      * Sets the value of the avgAbstainVotes property.
989      * 
990      * @param value
991      *     allowed object is
992      *     {@link BigDecimal }
993      *     
994      */
995     public void setAvgAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
996         this.avgAbstainVotes = value;
997     }
999     /**
1000      * Gets the value of the avgAbsentVotes property.
1001      * 
1002      * @return
1003      *     possible object is
1004      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1005      *     
1006      */
1007     @Basic
1008     @Column(name = "AVG_ABSENT_VOTES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1009     public BigDecimal getAvgAbsentVotes() {
1010         return avgAbsentVotes;
1011     }
1013     /**
1014      * Sets the value of the avgAbsentVotes property.
1015      * 
1016      * @param value
1017      *     allowed object is
1018      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1019      *     
1020      */
1021     public void setAvgAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1022         this.avgAbsentVotes = value;
1023     }
1025     /**
1026      * Gets the value of the avgPercentageYes property.
1027      * 
1028      * @return
1029      *     possible object is
1030      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1031      *     
1032      */
1033     @Basic
1034     @Column(name = "AVG_PERCENTAGE_YES", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1035     public BigDecimal getAvgPercentageYes() {
1036         return avgPercentageYes;
1037     }
1039     /**
1040      * Sets the value of the avgPercentageYes property.
1041      * 
1042      * @param value
1043      *     allowed object is
1044      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1045      *     
1046      */
1047     public void setAvgPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
1048         this.avgPercentageYes = value;
1049     }
1051     /**
1052      * Gets the value of the avgPercentageNo property.
1053      * 
1054      * @return
1055      *     possible object is
1056      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1057      *     
1058      */
1059     @Basic
1060     @Column(name = "AVG_PERCENTAGE_NO", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1061     public BigDecimal getAvgPercentageNo() {
1062         return avgPercentageNo;
1063     }
1065     /**
1066      * Sets the value of the avgPercentageNo property.
1067      * 
1068      * @param value
1069      *     allowed object is
1070      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1071      *     
1072      */
1073     public void setAvgPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
1074         this.avgPercentageNo = value;
1075     }
1077     /**
1078      * Gets the value of the avgPercentageAbsent property.
1079      * 
1080      * @return
1081      *     possible object is
1082      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1083      *     
1084      */
1085     @Basic
1086     @Column(name = "AVG_PERCENTAGE_ABSENT", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1087     public BigDecimal getAvgPercentageAbsent() {
1088         return avgPercentageAbsent;
1089     }
1091     /**
1092      * Sets the value of the avgPercentageAbsent property.
1093      * 
1094      * @param value
1095      *     allowed object is
1096      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1097      *     
1098      */
1099     public void setAvgPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
1100         this.avgPercentageAbsent = value;
1101     }
1103     /**
1104      * Gets the value of the avgPercentageAbstain property.
1105      * 
1106      * @return
1107      *     possible object is
1108      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1109      *     
1110      */
1111     @Basic
1112     @Column(name = "AVG_PERCENTAGE_ABSTAIN", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1113     public BigDecimal getAvgPercentageAbstain() {
1114         return avgPercentageAbstain;
1115     }
1117     /**
1118      * Sets the value of the avgPercentageAbstain property.
1119      * 
1120      * @param value
1121      *     allowed object is
1122      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1123      *     
1124      */
1125     public void setAvgPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
1126         this.avgPercentageAbstain = value;
1127     }
1129     /**
1130      * Gets the value of the avgPercentageMale property.
1131      * 
1132      * @return
1133      *     possible object is
1134      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1135      *     
1136      */
1137     @Basic
1138     @Column(name = "AVG_PERCENTAGE_MALE", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1139     public BigDecimal getAvgPercentageMale() {
1140         return avgPercentageMale;
1141     }
1143     /**
1144      * Sets the value of the avgPercentageMale property.
1145      * 
1146      * @param value
1147      *     allowed object is
1148      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1149      *     
1150      */
1151     public void setAvgPercentageMale(BigDecimal value) {
1152         this.avgPercentageMale = value;
1153     }
1155     /**
1156      * Gets the value of the avgBornYear property.
1157      * 
1158      * @return
1159      *     possible object is
1160      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1161      *     
1162      */
1163     @Basic
1164     @Column(name = "AVG_BORN_YEAR", precision = 20, scale = 10)
1165     public BigDecimal getAvgBornYear() {
1166         return avgBornYear;
1167     }
1169     /**
1170      * Sets the value of the avgBornYear property.
1171      * 
1172      * @param value
1173      *     allowed object is
1174      *     {@link BigDecimal }
1175      *     
1176      */
1177     public void setAvgBornYear(BigDecimal value) {
1178         this.avgBornYear = value;
1179     }
1181     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withEmbeddedId(RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId value) {
1182         setEmbeddedId(value);
1183         return this;
1184     }
1186     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withTotalVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1187         setTotalVotes(value);
1188         return this;
1189     }
1191     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1192         setYesVotes(value);
1193         return this;
1194     }
1196     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1197         setNoVotes(value);
1198         return this;
1199     }
1201     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withNumberBallots(long value) {
1202         setNumberBallots(value);
1203         return this;
1204     }
1206     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1207         setAbstainVotes(value);
1208         return this;
1209     }
1211     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1212         setAbsentVotes(value);
1213         return this;
1214     }
1216     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withApprovedTotal(long value) {
1217         setApprovedTotal(value);
1218         return this;
1219     }
1221     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withApprovedPercentage(BigDecimal value) {
1222         setApprovedPercentage(value);
1223         return this;
1224     }
1226     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
1227         setPercentageYes(value);
1228         return this;
1229     }
1231     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
1232         setPercentageNo(value);
1233         return this;
1234     }
1236     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
1237         setPercentageAbsent(value);
1238         return this;
1239     }
1241     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
1242         setPercentageAbstain(value);
1243         return this;
1244     }
1246     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPercentageApproved(BigDecimal value) {
1247         setPercentageApproved(value);
1248         return this;
1249     }
1251     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyAvgBornYear(BigDecimal value) {
1252         setPartyAvgBornYear(value);
1253         return this;
1254     }
1256     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyTotalVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1257         setPartyTotalVotes(value);
1258         return this;
1259     }
1261     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1262         setPartyYesVotes(value);
1263         return this;
1264     }
1266     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1267         setPartyNoVotes(value);
1268         return this;
1269     }
1271     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1272         setPartyAbstainVotes(value);
1273         return this;
1274     }
1276     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1277         setPartyAbsentVotes(value);
1278         return this;
1279     }
1281     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
1282         setPartyPercentageYes(value);
1283         return this;
1284     }
1286     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
1287         setPartyPercentageNo(value);
1288         return this;
1289     }
1291     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
1292         setPartyPercentageAbsent(value);
1293         return this;
1294     }
1296     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
1297         setPartyPercentageAbstain(value);
1298         return this;
1299     }
1301     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyAvgPercentageMale(BigDecimal value) {
1302         setPartyAvgPercentageMale(value);
1303         return this;
1304     }
1306     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyWonTotal(long value) {
1307         setPartyWonTotal(value);
1308         return this;
1309     }
1311     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withPartyWonPercentage(BigDecimal value) {
1312         setPartyWonPercentage(value);
1313         return this;
1314     }
1316     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgTotalVotes(long value) {
1317         setAvgTotalVotes(value);
1318         return this;
1319     }
1321     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgYesVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1322         setAvgYesVotes(value);
1323         return this;
1324     }
1326     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgNoVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1327         setAvgNoVotes(value);
1328         return this;
1329     }
1331     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgAbstainVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1332         setAvgAbstainVotes(value);
1333         return this;
1334     }
1336     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgAbsentVotes(BigDecimal value) {
1337         setAvgAbsentVotes(value);
1338         return this;
1339     }
1341     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgPercentageYes(BigDecimal value) {
1342         setAvgPercentageYes(value);
1343         return this;
1344     }
1346     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgPercentageNo(BigDecimal value) {
1347         setAvgPercentageNo(value);
1348         return this;
1349     }
1351     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgPercentageAbsent(BigDecimal value) {
1352         setAvgPercentageAbsent(value);
1353         return this;
1354     }
1356     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgPercentageAbstain(BigDecimal value) {
1357         setAvgPercentageAbstain(value);
1358         return this;
1359     }
1361     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgPercentageMale(BigDecimal value) {
1362         setAvgPercentageMale(value);
1363         return this;
1364     }
1366     public ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily withAvgBornYear(BigDecimal value) {
1367         setAvgBornYear(value);
1368         return this;
1369     }
1371     public String toString() {
1372         final ToStringStrategy strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE;
1373         final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
1374         append(null, buffer, strategy);
1375         return buffer.toString();
1376     }
1378     public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
1379         strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer);
1380         appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
1381         strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer);
1382         return buffer;
1383     }
1385     public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
1386         {
1387             RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId theEmbeddedId;
1388             theEmbeddedId = this.getEmbeddedId();
1389             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "embeddedId", buffer, theEmbeddedId);
1390         }
1391         {
1392             BigDecimal theTotalVotes;
1393             theTotalVotes = this.getTotalVotes();
1394             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalVotes", buffer, theTotalVotes);
1395         }
1396         {
1397             BigDecimal theYesVotes;
1398             theYesVotes = this.getYesVotes();
1399             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "yesVotes", buffer, theYesVotes);
1400         }
1401         {
1402             BigDecimal theNoVotes;
1403             theNoVotes = this.getNoVotes();
1404             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "noVotes", buffer, theNoVotes);
1405         }
1406         {
1407             long theNumberBallots;
1408             theNumberBallots = this.getNumberBallots();
1409             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "numberBallots", buffer, theNumberBallots);
1410         }
1411         {
1412             BigDecimal theAbstainVotes;
1413             theAbstainVotes = this.getAbstainVotes();
1414             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "abstainVotes", buffer, theAbstainVotes);
1415         }
1416         {
1417             BigDecimal theAbsentVotes;
1418             theAbsentVotes = this.getAbsentVotes();
1419             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "absentVotes", buffer, theAbsentVotes);
1420         }
1421         {
1422             long theApprovedTotal;
1423             theApprovedTotal = this.getApprovedTotal();
1424             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "approvedTotal", buffer, theApprovedTotal);
1425         }
1426         {
1427             BigDecimal theApprovedPercentage;
1428             theApprovedPercentage = this.getApprovedPercentage();
1429             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "approvedPercentage", buffer, theApprovedPercentage);
1430         }
1431         {
1432             BigDecimal thePercentageYes;
1433             thePercentageYes = this.getPercentageYes();
1434             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "percentageYes", buffer, thePercentageYes);
1435         }
1436         {
1437             BigDecimal thePercentageNo;
1438             thePercentageNo = this.getPercentageNo();
1439             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "percentageNo", buffer, thePercentageNo);
1440         }
1441         {
1442             BigDecimal thePercentageAbsent;
1443             thePercentageAbsent = this.getPercentageAbsent();
1444             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "percentageAbsent", buffer, thePercentageAbsent);
1445         }
1446         {
1447             BigDecimal thePercentageAbstain;
1448             thePercentageAbstain = this.getPercentageAbstain();
1449             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "percentageAbstain", buffer, thePercentageAbstain);
1450         }
1451         {
1452             BigDecimal thePercentageApproved;
1453             thePercentageApproved = this.getPercentageApproved();
1454             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "percentageApproved", buffer, thePercentageApproved);
1455         }
1456         {
1457             BigDecimal thePartyAvgBornYear;
1458             thePartyAvgBornYear = this.getPartyAvgBornYear();
1459             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyAvgBornYear", buffer, thePartyAvgBornYear);
1460         }
1461         {
1462             BigDecimal thePartyTotalVotes;
1463             thePartyTotalVotes = this.getPartyTotalVotes();
1464             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyTotalVotes", buffer, thePartyTotalVotes);
1465         }
1466         {
1467             BigDecimal thePartyYesVotes;
1468             thePartyYesVotes = this.getPartyYesVotes();
1469             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyYesVotes", buffer, thePartyYesVotes);
1470         }
1471         {
1472             BigDecimal thePartyNoVotes;
1473             thePartyNoVotes = this.getPartyNoVotes();
1474             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyNoVotes", buffer, thePartyNoVotes);
1475         }
1476         {
1477             BigDecimal thePartyAbstainVotes;
1478             thePartyAbstainVotes = this.getPartyAbstainVotes();
1479             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyAbstainVotes", buffer, thePartyAbstainVotes);
1480         }
1481         {
1482             BigDecimal thePartyAbsentVotes;
1483             thePartyAbsentVotes = this.getPartyAbsentVotes();
1484             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyAbsentVotes", buffer, thePartyAbsentVotes);
1485         }
1486         {
1487             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageYes;
1488             thePartyPercentageYes = this.getPartyPercentageYes();
1489             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyPercentageYes", buffer, thePartyPercentageYes);
1490         }
1491         {
1492             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageNo;
1493             thePartyPercentageNo = this.getPartyPercentageNo();
1494             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyPercentageNo", buffer, thePartyPercentageNo);
1495         }
1496         {
1497             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageAbsent;
1498             thePartyPercentageAbsent = this.getPartyPercentageAbsent();
1499             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyPercentageAbsent", buffer, thePartyPercentageAbsent);
1500         }
1501         {
1502             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageAbstain;
1503             thePartyPercentageAbstain = this.getPartyPercentageAbstain();
1504             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyPercentageAbstain", buffer, thePartyPercentageAbstain);
1505         }
1506         {
1507             BigDecimal thePartyAvgPercentageMale;
1508             thePartyAvgPercentageMale = this.getPartyAvgPercentageMale();
1509             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyAvgPercentageMale", buffer, thePartyAvgPercentageMale);
1510         }
1511         {
1512             long thePartyWonTotal;
1513             thePartyWonTotal = this.getPartyWonTotal();
1514             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyWonTotal", buffer, thePartyWonTotal);
1515         }
1516         {
1517             BigDecimal thePartyWonPercentage;
1518             thePartyWonPercentage = this.getPartyWonPercentage();
1519             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "partyWonPercentage", buffer, thePartyWonPercentage);
1520         }
1521         {
1522             long theAvgTotalVotes;
1523             theAvgTotalVotes = this.getAvgTotalVotes();
1524             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgTotalVotes", buffer, theAvgTotalVotes);
1525         }
1526         {
1527             BigDecimal theAvgYesVotes;
1528             theAvgYesVotes = this.getAvgYesVotes();
1529             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgYesVotes", buffer, theAvgYesVotes);
1530         }
1531         {
1532             BigDecimal theAvgNoVotes;
1533             theAvgNoVotes = this.getAvgNoVotes();
1534             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgNoVotes", buffer, theAvgNoVotes);
1535         }
1536         {
1537             BigDecimal theAvgAbstainVotes;
1538             theAvgAbstainVotes = this.getAvgAbstainVotes();
1539             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgAbstainVotes", buffer, theAvgAbstainVotes);
1540         }
1541         {
1542             BigDecimal theAvgAbsentVotes;
1543             theAvgAbsentVotes = this.getAvgAbsentVotes();
1544             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgAbsentVotes", buffer, theAvgAbsentVotes);
1545         }
1546         {
1547             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageYes;
1548             theAvgPercentageYes = this.getAvgPercentageYes();
1549             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgPercentageYes", buffer, theAvgPercentageYes);
1550         }
1551         {
1552             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageNo;
1553             theAvgPercentageNo = this.getAvgPercentageNo();
1554             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgPercentageNo", buffer, theAvgPercentageNo);
1555         }
1556         {
1557             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageAbsent;
1558             theAvgPercentageAbsent = this.getAvgPercentageAbsent();
1559             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgPercentageAbsent", buffer, theAvgPercentageAbsent);
1560         }
1561         {
1562             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageAbstain;
1563             theAvgPercentageAbstain = this.getAvgPercentageAbstain();
1564             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgPercentageAbstain", buffer, theAvgPercentageAbstain);
1565         }
1566         {
1567             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageMale;
1568             theAvgPercentageMale = this.getAvgPercentageMale();
1569             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgPercentageMale", buffer, theAvgPercentageMale);
1570         }
1571         {
1572             BigDecimal theAvgBornYear;
1573             theAvgBornYear = this.getAvgBornYear();
1574             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "avgBornYear", buffer, theAvgBornYear);
1575         }
1576         return buffer;
1577     }
1579     public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy strategy) {
1580         if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) {
1581             return false;
1582         }
1583         if (this == object) {
1584             return true;
1585         }
1586         final ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily that = ((ViewRiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartySummaryDaily) object);
1587         {
1588             RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId lhsEmbeddedId;
1589             lhsEmbeddedId = this.getEmbeddedId();
1590             RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId rhsEmbeddedId;
1591             rhsEmbeddedId = that.getEmbeddedId();
1592             if (!strategy.equals(, "embeddedId", lhsEmbeddedId),, "embeddedId", rhsEmbeddedId), lhsEmbeddedId, rhsEmbeddedId)) {
1593                 return false;
1594             }
1595         }
1596         {
1597             BigDecimal lhsTotalVotes;
1598             lhsTotalVotes = this.getTotalVotes();
1599             BigDecimal rhsTotalVotes;
1600             rhsTotalVotes = that.getTotalVotes();
1601             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalVotes", lhsTotalVotes),, "totalVotes", rhsTotalVotes), lhsTotalVotes, rhsTotalVotes)) {
1602                 return false;
1603             }
1604         }
1605         {
1606             BigDecimal lhsYesVotes;
1607             lhsYesVotes = this.getYesVotes();
1608             BigDecimal rhsYesVotes;
1609             rhsYesVotes = that.getYesVotes();
1610             if (!strategy.equals(, "yesVotes", lhsYesVotes),, "yesVotes", rhsYesVotes), lhsYesVotes, rhsYesVotes)) {
1611                 return false;
1612             }
1613         }
1614         {
1615             BigDecimal lhsNoVotes;
1616             lhsNoVotes = this.getNoVotes();
1617             BigDecimal rhsNoVotes;
1618             rhsNoVotes = that.getNoVotes();
1619             if (!strategy.equals(, "noVotes", lhsNoVotes),, "noVotes", rhsNoVotes), lhsNoVotes, rhsNoVotes)) {
1620                 return false;
1621             }
1622         }
1623         {
1624             long lhsNumberBallots;
1625             lhsNumberBallots = this.getNumberBallots();
1626             long rhsNumberBallots;
1627             rhsNumberBallots = that.getNumberBallots();
1628             if (!strategy.equals(, "numberBallots", lhsNumberBallots),, "numberBallots", rhsNumberBallots), lhsNumberBallots, rhsNumberBallots)) {
1629                 return false;
1630             }
1631         }
1632         {
1633             BigDecimal lhsAbstainVotes;
1634             lhsAbstainVotes = this.getAbstainVotes();
1635             BigDecimal rhsAbstainVotes;
1636             rhsAbstainVotes = that.getAbstainVotes();
1637             if (!strategy.equals(, "abstainVotes", lhsAbstainVotes),, "abstainVotes", rhsAbstainVotes), lhsAbstainVotes, rhsAbstainVotes)) {
1638                 return false;
1639             }
1640         }
1641         {
1642             BigDecimal lhsAbsentVotes;
1643             lhsAbsentVotes = this.getAbsentVotes();
1644             BigDecimal rhsAbsentVotes;
1645             rhsAbsentVotes = that.getAbsentVotes();
1646             if (!strategy.equals(, "absentVotes", lhsAbsentVotes),, "absentVotes", rhsAbsentVotes), lhsAbsentVotes, rhsAbsentVotes)) {
1647                 return false;
1648             }
1649         }
1650         {
1651             long lhsApprovedTotal;
1652             lhsApprovedTotal = this.getApprovedTotal();
1653             long rhsApprovedTotal;
1654             rhsApprovedTotal = that.getApprovedTotal();
1655             if (!strategy.equals(, "approvedTotal", lhsApprovedTotal),, "approvedTotal", rhsApprovedTotal), lhsApprovedTotal, rhsApprovedTotal)) {
1656                 return false;
1657             }
1658         }
1659         {
1660             BigDecimal lhsApprovedPercentage;
1661             lhsApprovedPercentage = this.getApprovedPercentage();
1662             BigDecimal rhsApprovedPercentage;
1663             rhsApprovedPercentage = that.getApprovedPercentage();
1664             if (!strategy.equals(, "approvedPercentage", lhsApprovedPercentage),, "approvedPercentage", rhsApprovedPercentage), lhsApprovedPercentage, rhsApprovedPercentage)) {
1665                 return false;
1666             }
1667         }
1668         {
1669             BigDecimal lhsPercentageYes;
1670             lhsPercentageYes = this.getPercentageYes();
1671             BigDecimal rhsPercentageYes;
1672             rhsPercentageYes = that.getPercentageYes();
1673             if (!strategy.equals(, "percentageYes", lhsPercentageYes),, "percentageYes", rhsPercentageYes), lhsPercentageYes, rhsPercentageYes)) {
1674                 return false;
1675             }
1676         }
1677         {
1678             BigDecimal lhsPercentageNo;
1679             lhsPercentageNo = this.getPercentageNo();
1680             BigDecimal rhsPercentageNo;
1681             rhsPercentageNo = that.getPercentageNo();
1682             if (!strategy.equals(, "percentageNo", lhsPercentageNo),, "percentageNo", rhsPercentageNo), lhsPercentageNo, rhsPercentageNo)) {
1683                 return false;
1684             }
1685         }
1686         {
1687             BigDecimal lhsPercentageAbsent;
1688             lhsPercentageAbsent = this.getPercentageAbsent();
1689             BigDecimal rhsPercentageAbsent;
1690             rhsPercentageAbsent = that.getPercentageAbsent();
1691             if (!strategy.equals(, "percentageAbsent", lhsPercentageAbsent),, "percentageAbsent", rhsPercentageAbsent), lhsPercentageAbsent, rhsPercentageAbsent)) {
1692                 return false;
1693             }
1694         }
1695         {
1696             BigDecimal lhsPercentageAbstain;
1697             lhsPercentageAbstain = this.getPercentageAbstain();
1698             BigDecimal rhsPercentageAbstain;
1699             rhsPercentageAbstain = that.getPercentageAbstain();
1700             if (!strategy.equals(, "percentageAbstain", lhsPercentageAbstain),, "percentageAbstain", rhsPercentageAbstain), lhsPercentageAbstain, rhsPercentageAbstain)) {
1701                 return false;
1702             }
1703         }
1704         {
1705             BigDecimal lhsPercentageApproved;
1706             lhsPercentageApproved = this.getPercentageApproved();
1707             BigDecimal rhsPercentageApproved;
1708             rhsPercentageApproved = that.getPercentageApproved();
1709             if (!strategy.equals(, "percentageApproved", lhsPercentageApproved),, "percentageApproved", rhsPercentageApproved), lhsPercentageApproved, rhsPercentageApproved)) {
1710                 return false;
1711             }
1712         }
1713         {
1714             BigDecimal lhsPartyAvgBornYear;
1715             lhsPartyAvgBornYear = this.getPartyAvgBornYear();
1716             BigDecimal rhsPartyAvgBornYear;
1717             rhsPartyAvgBornYear = that.getPartyAvgBornYear();
1718             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyAvgBornYear", lhsPartyAvgBornYear),, "partyAvgBornYear", rhsPartyAvgBornYear), lhsPartyAvgBornYear, rhsPartyAvgBornYear)) {
1719                 return false;
1720             }
1721         }
1722         {
1723             BigDecimal lhsPartyTotalVotes;
1724             lhsPartyTotalVotes = this.getPartyTotalVotes();
1725             BigDecimal rhsPartyTotalVotes;
1726             rhsPartyTotalVotes = that.getPartyTotalVotes();
1727             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyTotalVotes", lhsPartyTotalVotes),, "partyTotalVotes", rhsPartyTotalVotes), lhsPartyTotalVotes, rhsPartyTotalVotes)) {
1728                 return false;
1729             }
1730         }
1731         {
1732             BigDecimal lhsPartyYesVotes;
1733             lhsPartyYesVotes = this.getPartyYesVotes();
1734             BigDecimal rhsPartyYesVotes;
1735             rhsPartyYesVotes = that.getPartyYesVotes();
1736             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyYesVotes", lhsPartyYesVotes),, "partyYesVotes", rhsPartyYesVotes), lhsPartyYesVotes, rhsPartyYesVotes)) {
1737                 return false;
1738             }
1739         }
1740         {
1741             BigDecimal lhsPartyNoVotes;
1742             lhsPartyNoVotes = this.getPartyNoVotes();
1743             BigDecimal rhsPartyNoVotes;
1744             rhsPartyNoVotes = that.getPartyNoVotes();
1745             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyNoVotes", lhsPartyNoVotes),, "partyNoVotes", rhsPartyNoVotes), lhsPartyNoVotes, rhsPartyNoVotes)) {
1746                 return false;
1747             }
1748         }
1749         {
1750             BigDecimal lhsPartyAbstainVotes;
1751             lhsPartyAbstainVotes = this.getPartyAbstainVotes();
1752             BigDecimal rhsPartyAbstainVotes;
1753             rhsPartyAbstainVotes = that.getPartyAbstainVotes();
1754             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyAbstainVotes", lhsPartyAbstainVotes),, "partyAbstainVotes", rhsPartyAbstainVotes), lhsPartyAbstainVotes, rhsPartyAbstainVotes)) {
1755                 return false;
1756             }
1757         }
1758         {
1759             BigDecimal lhsPartyAbsentVotes;
1760             lhsPartyAbsentVotes = this.getPartyAbsentVotes();
1761             BigDecimal rhsPartyAbsentVotes;
1762             rhsPartyAbsentVotes = that.getPartyAbsentVotes();
1763             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyAbsentVotes", lhsPartyAbsentVotes),, "partyAbsentVotes", rhsPartyAbsentVotes), lhsPartyAbsentVotes, rhsPartyAbsentVotes)) {
1764                 return false;
1765             }
1766         }
1767         {
1768             BigDecimal lhsPartyPercentageYes;
1769             lhsPartyPercentageYes = this.getPartyPercentageYes();
1770             BigDecimal rhsPartyPercentageYes;
1771             rhsPartyPercentageYes = that.getPartyPercentageYes();
1772             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyPercentageYes", lhsPartyPercentageYes),, "partyPercentageYes", rhsPartyPercentageYes), lhsPartyPercentageYes, rhsPartyPercentageYes)) {
1773                 return false;
1774             }
1775         }
1776         {
1777             BigDecimal lhsPartyPercentageNo;
1778             lhsPartyPercentageNo = this.getPartyPercentageNo();
1779             BigDecimal rhsPartyPercentageNo;
1780             rhsPartyPercentageNo = that.getPartyPercentageNo();
1781             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyPercentageNo", lhsPartyPercentageNo),, "partyPercentageNo", rhsPartyPercentageNo), lhsPartyPercentageNo, rhsPartyPercentageNo)) {
1782                 return false;
1783             }
1784         }
1785         {
1786             BigDecimal lhsPartyPercentageAbsent;
1787             lhsPartyPercentageAbsent = this.getPartyPercentageAbsent();
1788             BigDecimal rhsPartyPercentageAbsent;
1789             rhsPartyPercentageAbsent = that.getPartyPercentageAbsent();
1790             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyPercentageAbsent", lhsPartyPercentageAbsent),, "partyPercentageAbsent", rhsPartyPercentageAbsent), lhsPartyPercentageAbsent, rhsPartyPercentageAbsent)) {
1791                 return false;
1792             }
1793         }
1794         {
1795             BigDecimal lhsPartyPercentageAbstain;
1796             lhsPartyPercentageAbstain = this.getPartyPercentageAbstain();
1797             BigDecimal rhsPartyPercentageAbstain;
1798             rhsPartyPercentageAbstain = that.getPartyPercentageAbstain();
1799             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyPercentageAbstain", lhsPartyPercentageAbstain),, "partyPercentageAbstain", rhsPartyPercentageAbstain), lhsPartyPercentageAbstain, rhsPartyPercentageAbstain)) {
1800                 return false;
1801             }
1802         }
1803         {
1804             BigDecimal lhsPartyAvgPercentageMale;
1805             lhsPartyAvgPercentageMale = this.getPartyAvgPercentageMale();
1806             BigDecimal rhsPartyAvgPercentageMale;
1807             rhsPartyAvgPercentageMale = that.getPartyAvgPercentageMale();
1808             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyAvgPercentageMale", lhsPartyAvgPercentageMale),, "partyAvgPercentageMale", rhsPartyAvgPercentageMale), lhsPartyAvgPercentageMale, rhsPartyAvgPercentageMale)) {
1809                 return false;
1810             }
1811         }
1812         {
1813             long lhsPartyWonTotal;
1814             lhsPartyWonTotal = this.getPartyWonTotal();
1815             long rhsPartyWonTotal;
1816             rhsPartyWonTotal = that.getPartyWonTotal();
1817             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyWonTotal", lhsPartyWonTotal),, "partyWonTotal", rhsPartyWonTotal), lhsPartyWonTotal, rhsPartyWonTotal)) {
1818                 return false;
1819             }
1820         }
1821         {
1822             BigDecimal lhsPartyWonPercentage;
1823             lhsPartyWonPercentage = this.getPartyWonPercentage();
1824             BigDecimal rhsPartyWonPercentage;
1825             rhsPartyWonPercentage = that.getPartyWonPercentage();
1826             if (!strategy.equals(, "partyWonPercentage", lhsPartyWonPercentage),, "partyWonPercentage", rhsPartyWonPercentage), lhsPartyWonPercentage, rhsPartyWonPercentage)) {
1827                 return false;
1828             }
1829         }
1830         {
1831             long lhsAvgTotalVotes;
1832             lhsAvgTotalVotes = this.getAvgTotalVotes();
1833             long rhsAvgTotalVotes;
1834             rhsAvgTotalVotes = that.getAvgTotalVotes();
1835             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgTotalVotes", lhsAvgTotalVotes),, "avgTotalVotes", rhsAvgTotalVotes), lhsAvgTotalVotes, rhsAvgTotalVotes)) {
1836                 return false;
1837             }
1838         }
1839         {
1840             BigDecimal lhsAvgYesVotes;
1841             lhsAvgYesVotes = this.getAvgYesVotes();
1842             BigDecimal rhsAvgYesVotes;
1843             rhsAvgYesVotes = that.getAvgYesVotes();
1844             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgYesVotes", lhsAvgYesVotes),, "avgYesVotes", rhsAvgYesVotes), lhsAvgYesVotes, rhsAvgYesVotes)) {
1845                 return false;
1846             }
1847         }
1848         {
1849             BigDecimal lhsAvgNoVotes;
1850             lhsAvgNoVotes = this.getAvgNoVotes();
1851             BigDecimal rhsAvgNoVotes;
1852             rhsAvgNoVotes = that.getAvgNoVotes();
1853             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgNoVotes", lhsAvgNoVotes),, "avgNoVotes", rhsAvgNoVotes), lhsAvgNoVotes, rhsAvgNoVotes)) {
1854                 return false;
1855             }
1856         }
1857         {
1858             BigDecimal lhsAvgAbstainVotes;
1859             lhsAvgAbstainVotes = this.getAvgAbstainVotes();
1860             BigDecimal rhsAvgAbstainVotes;
1861             rhsAvgAbstainVotes = that.getAvgAbstainVotes();
1862             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgAbstainVotes", lhsAvgAbstainVotes),, "avgAbstainVotes", rhsAvgAbstainVotes), lhsAvgAbstainVotes, rhsAvgAbstainVotes)) {
1863                 return false;
1864             }
1865         }
1866         {
1867             BigDecimal lhsAvgAbsentVotes;
1868             lhsAvgAbsentVotes = this.getAvgAbsentVotes();
1869             BigDecimal rhsAvgAbsentVotes;
1870             rhsAvgAbsentVotes = that.getAvgAbsentVotes();
1871             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgAbsentVotes", lhsAvgAbsentVotes),, "avgAbsentVotes", rhsAvgAbsentVotes), lhsAvgAbsentVotes, rhsAvgAbsentVotes)) {
1872                 return false;
1873             }
1874         }
1875         {
1876             BigDecimal lhsAvgPercentageYes;
1877             lhsAvgPercentageYes = this.getAvgPercentageYes();
1878             BigDecimal rhsAvgPercentageYes;
1879             rhsAvgPercentageYes = that.getAvgPercentageYes();
1880             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgPercentageYes", lhsAvgPercentageYes),, "avgPercentageYes", rhsAvgPercentageYes), lhsAvgPercentageYes, rhsAvgPercentageYes)) {
1881                 return false;
1882             }
1883         }
1884         {
1885             BigDecimal lhsAvgPercentageNo;
1886             lhsAvgPercentageNo = this.getAvgPercentageNo();
1887             BigDecimal rhsAvgPercentageNo;
1888             rhsAvgPercentageNo = that.getAvgPercentageNo();
1889             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgPercentageNo", lhsAvgPercentageNo),, "avgPercentageNo", rhsAvgPercentageNo), lhsAvgPercentageNo, rhsAvgPercentageNo)) {
1890                 return false;
1891             }
1892         }
1893         {
1894             BigDecimal lhsAvgPercentageAbsent;
1895             lhsAvgPercentageAbsent = this.getAvgPercentageAbsent();
1896             BigDecimal rhsAvgPercentageAbsent;
1897             rhsAvgPercentageAbsent = that.getAvgPercentageAbsent();
1898             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgPercentageAbsent", lhsAvgPercentageAbsent),, "avgPercentageAbsent", rhsAvgPercentageAbsent), lhsAvgPercentageAbsent, rhsAvgPercentageAbsent)) {
1899                 return false;
1900             }
1901         }
1902         {
1903             BigDecimal lhsAvgPercentageAbstain;
1904             lhsAvgPercentageAbstain = this.getAvgPercentageAbstain();
1905             BigDecimal rhsAvgPercentageAbstain;
1906             rhsAvgPercentageAbstain = that.getAvgPercentageAbstain();
1907             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgPercentageAbstain", lhsAvgPercentageAbstain),, "avgPercentageAbstain", rhsAvgPercentageAbstain), lhsAvgPercentageAbstain, rhsAvgPercentageAbstain)) {
1908                 return false;
1909             }
1910         }
1911         {
1912             BigDecimal lhsAvgPercentageMale;
1913             lhsAvgPercentageMale = this.getAvgPercentageMale();
1914             BigDecimal rhsAvgPercentageMale;
1915             rhsAvgPercentageMale = that.getAvgPercentageMale();
1916             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgPercentageMale", lhsAvgPercentageMale),, "avgPercentageMale", rhsAvgPercentageMale), lhsAvgPercentageMale, rhsAvgPercentageMale)) {
1917                 return false;
1918             }
1919         }
1920         {
1921             BigDecimal lhsAvgBornYear;
1922             lhsAvgBornYear = this.getAvgBornYear();
1923             BigDecimal rhsAvgBornYear;
1924             rhsAvgBornYear = that.getAvgBornYear();
1925             if (!strategy.equals(, "avgBornYear", lhsAvgBornYear),, "avgBornYear", rhsAvgBornYear), lhsAvgBornYear, rhsAvgBornYear)) {
1926                 return false;
1927             }
1928         }
1929         return true;
1930     }
1932     public boolean equals(Object object) {
1933         final EqualsStrategy strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE;
1934         return equals(null, null, object, strategy);
1935     }
1937     public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy strategy) {
1938         int currentHashCode = 1;
1939         {
1940             RiksdagenVoteDataBallotPartyPeriodSummaryEmbeddedId theEmbeddedId;
1941             theEmbeddedId = this.getEmbeddedId();
1942             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "embeddedId", theEmbeddedId), currentHashCode, theEmbeddedId);
1943         }
1944         {
1945             BigDecimal theTotalVotes;
1946             theTotalVotes = this.getTotalVotes();
1947             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalVotes", theTotalVotes), currentHashCode, theTotalVotes);
1948         }
1949         {
1950             BigDecimal theYesVotes;
1951             theYesVotes = this.getYesVotes();
1952             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "yesVotes", theYesVotes), currentHashCode, theYesVotes);
1953         }
1954         {
1955             BigDecimal theNoVotes;
1956             theNoVotes = this.getNoVotes();
1957             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "noVotes", theNoVotes), currentHashCode, theNoVotes);
1958         }
1959         {
1960             long theNumberBallots;
1961             theNumberBallots = this.getNumberBallots();
1962             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "numberBallots", theNumberBallots), currentHashCode, theNumberBallots);
1963         }
1964         {
1965             BigDecimal theAbstainVotes;
1966             theAbstainVotes = this.getAbstainVotes();
1967             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "abstainVotes", theAbstainVotes), currentHashCode, theAbstainVotes);
1968         }
1969         {
1970             BigDecimal theAbsentVotes;
1971             theAbsentVotes = this.getAbsentVotes();
1972             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "absentVotes", theAbsentVotes), currentHashCode, theAbsentVotes);
1973         }
1974         {
1975             long theApprovedTotal;
1976             theApprovedTotal = this.getApprovedTotal();
1977             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "approvedTotal", theApprovedTotal), currentHashCode, theApprovedTotal);
1978         }
1979         {
1980             BigDecimal theApprovedPercentage;
1981             theApprovedPercentage = this.getApprovedPercentage();
1982             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "approvedPercentage", theApprovedPercentage), currentHashCode, theApprovedPercentage);
1983         }
1984         {
1985             BigDecimal thePercentageYes;
1986             thePercentageYes = this.getPercentageYes();
1987             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "percentageYes", thePercentageYes), currentHashCode, thePercentageYes);
1988         }
1989         {
1990             BigDecimal thePercentageNo;
1991             thePercentageNo = this.getPercentageNo();
1992             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "percentageNo", thePercentageNo), currentHashCode, thePercentageNo);
1993         }
1994         {
1995             BigDecimal thePercentageAbsent;
1996             thePercentageAbsent = this.getPercentageAbsent();
1997             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "percentageAbsent", thePercentageAbsent), currentHashCode, thePercentageAbsent);
1998         }
1999         {
2000             BigDecimal thePercentageAbstain;
2001             thePercentageAbstain = this.getPercentageAbstain();
2002             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "percentageAbstain", thePercentageAbstain), currentHashCode, thePercentageAbstain);
2003         }
2004         {
2005             BigDecimal thePercentageApproved;
2006             thePercentageApproved = this.getPercentageApproved();
2007             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "percentageApproved", thePercentageApproved), currentHashCode, thePercentageApproved);
2008         }
2009         {
2010             BigDecimal thePartyAvgBornYear;
2011             thePartyAvgBornYear = this.getPartyAvgBornYear();
2012             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyAvgBornYear", thePartyAvgBornYear), currentHashCode, thePartyAvgBornYear);
2013         }
2014         {
2015             BigDecimal thePartyTotalVotes;
2016             thePartyTotalVotes = this.getPartyTotalVotes();
2017             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyTotalVotes", thePartyTotalVotes), currentHashCode, thePartyTotalVotes);
2018         }
2019         {
2020             BigDecimal thePartyYesVotes;
2021             thePartyYesVotes = this.getPartyYesVotes();
2022             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyYesVotes", thePartyYesVotes), currentHashCode, thePartyYesVotes);
2023         }
2024         {
2025             BigDecimal thePartyNoVotes;
2026             thePartyNoVotes = this.getPartyNoVotes();
2027             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyNoVotes", thePartyNoVotes), currentHashCode, thePartyNoVotes);
2028         }
2029         {
2030             BigDecimal thePartyAbstainVotes;
2031             thePartyAbstainVotes = this.getPartyAbstainVotes();
2032             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyAbstainVotes", thePartyAbstainVotes), currentHashCode, thePartyAbstainVotes);
2033         }
2034         {
2035             BigDecimal thePartyAbsentVotes;
2036             thePartyAbsentVotes = this.getPartyAbsentVotes();
2037             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyAbsentVotes", thePartyAbsentVotes), currentHashCode, thePartyAbsentVotes);
2038         }
2039         {
2040             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageYes;
2041             thePartyPercentageYes = this.getPartyPercentageYes();
2042             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyPercentageYes", thePartyPercentageYes), currentHashCode, thePartyPercentageYes);
2043         }
2044         {
2045             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageNo;
2046             thePartyPercentageNo = this.getPartyPercentageNo();
2047             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyPercentageNo", thePartyPercentageNo), currentHashCode, thePartyPercentageNo);
2048         }
2049         {
2050             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageAbsent;
2051             thePartyPercentageAbsent = this.getPartyPercentageAbsent();
2052             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyPercentageAbsent", thePartyPercentageAbsent), currentHashCode, thePartyPercentageAbsent);
2053         }
2054         {
2055             BigDecimal thePartyPercentageAbstain;
2056             thePartyPercentageAbstain = this.getPartyPercentageAbstain();
2057             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyPercentageAbstain", thePartyPercentageAbstain), currentHashCode, thePartyPercentageAbstain);
2058         }
2059         {
2060             BigDecimal thePartyAvgPercentageMale;
2061             thePartyAvgPercentageMale = this.getPartyAvgPercentageMale();
2062             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyAvgPercentageMale", thePartyAvgPercentageMale), currentHashCode, thePartyAvgPercentageMale);
2063         }
2064         {
2065             long thePartyWonTotal;
2066             thePartyWonTotal = this.getPartyWonTotal();
2067             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyWonTotal", thePartyWonTotal), currentHashCode, thePartyWonTotal);
2068         }
2069         {
2070             BigDecimal thePartyWonPercentage;
2071             thePartyWonPercentage = this.getPartyWonPercentage();
2072             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "partyWonPercentage", thePartyWonPercentage), currentHashCode, thePartyWonPercentage);
2073         }
2074         {
2075             long theAvgTotalVotes;
2076             theAvgTotalVotes = this.getAvgTotalVotes();
2077             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgTotalVotes", theAvgTotalVotes), currentHashCode, theAvgTotalVotes);
2078         }
2079         {
2080             BigDecimal theAvgYesVotes;
2081             theAvgYesVotes = this.getAvgYesVotes();
2082             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgYesVotes", theAvgYesVotes), currentHashCode, theAvgYesVotes);
2083         }
2084         {
2085             BigDecimal theAvgNoVotes;
2086             theAvgNoVotes = this.getAvgNoVotes();
2087             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgNoVotes", theAvgNoVotes), currentHashCode, theAvgNoVotes);
2088         }
2089         {
2090             BigDecimal theAvgAbstainVotes;
2091             theAvgAbstainVotes = this.getAvgAbstainVotes();
2092             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgAbstainVotes", theAvgAbstainVotes), currentHashCode, theAvgAbstainVotes);
2093         }
2094         {
2095             BigDecimal theAvgAbsentVotes;
2096             theAvgAbsentVotes = this.getAvgAbsentVotes();
2097             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgAbsentVotes", theAvgAbsentVotes), currentHashCode, theAvgAbsentVotes);
2098         }
2099         {
2100             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageYes;
2101             theAvgPercentageYes = this.getAvgPercentageYes();
2102             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgPercentageYes", theAvgPercentageYes), currentHashCode, theAvgPercentageYes);
2103         }
2104         {
2105             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageNo;
2106             theAvgPercentageNo = this.getAvgPercentageNo();
2107             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgPercentageNo", theAvgPercentageNo), currentHashCode, theAvgPercentageNo);
2108         }
2109         {
2110             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageAbsent;
2111             theAvgPercentageAbsent = this.getAvgPercentageAbsent();
2112             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgPercentageAbsent", theAvgPercentageAbsent), currentHashCode, theAvgPercentageAbsent);
2113         }
2114         {
2115             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageAbstain;
2116             theAvgPercentageAbstain = this.getAvgPercentageAbstain();
2117             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgPercentageAbstain", theAvgPercentageAbstain), currentHashCode, theAvgPercentageAbstain);
2118         }
2119         {
2120             BigDecimal theAvgPercentageMale;
2121             theAvgPercentageMale = this.getAvgPercentageMale();
2122             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgPercentageMale", theAvgPercentageMale), currentHashCode, theAvgPercentageMale);
2123         }
2124         {
2125             BigDecimal theAvgBornYear;
2126             theAvgBornYear = this.getAvgBornYear();
2127             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "avgBornYear", theAvgBornYear), currentHashCode, theAvgBornYear);
2128         }
2129         return currentHashCode;
2130     }
2132     public int hashCode() {
2133         final HashCodeStrategy strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE;
2134         return this.hashCode(null, strategy);
2135     }
2137 }