View Javadoc
1   //
2   // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, v2.2.11 
3   // See <a href=""></a> 
4   // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema. 
5   // Generated on: 2017.04.23 at 07:23:18 PM CEST 
6   //
9   package;
11  import;
12  import java.util.Date;
13  import javax.persistence.Basic;
14  import javax.persistence.Column;
15  import javax.persistence.Entity;
16  import javax.persistence.Id;
17  import javax.persistence.Inheritance;
18  import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
19  import javax.persistence.Table;
20  import javax.persistence.Temporal;
21  import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
22  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
23  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
24  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
25  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlSchemaType;
26  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
27  import javax.xml.bind.annotation.adapters.XmlJavaTypeAdapter;
28  import com.hack23.cia.model.common.api.ModelObject;
29  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.Equals;
30  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.EqualsStrategy;
31  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCode;
32  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.HashCodeStrategy;
33  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBEqualsStrategy;
34  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBHashCodeStrategy;
35  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.JAXBToStringStrategy;
36  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToString;
37  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.lang.ToStringStrategy;
38  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.ObjectLocator;
39  import org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons.locator.util.LocatorUtils;
40  import org.w3._2001.xmlschema.Adapter3;
43  /**
44   * <p>Java class for ViewRiksdagenPartySummary complex type.
45   * 
46   * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
47   * 
48   * <pre>
49   * &lt;complexType name="ViewRiksdagenPartySummary"&gt;
50   *   &lt;complexContent&gt;
51   *     &lt;restriction base="{}anyType"&gt;
52   *       &lt;sequence&gt;
53   *         &lt;element name="party" type="{}string"/&gt;
54   *         &lt;element name="totalAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
55   *         &lt;element name="currentAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
56   *         &lt;element name="firstAssignmentDate" type="{}date"/&gt;
57   *         &lt;element name="lastAssignmentDate" type="{}date"/&gt;
58   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServed" type="{}long"/&gt;
59   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedParliament" type="{}long"/&gt;
60   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedCommittee" type="{}long"/&gt;
61   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedGovernment" type="{}long"/&gt;
62   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedEu" type="{}long"/&gt;
63   *         &lt;element name="active" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
64   *         &lt;element name="activeEu" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
65   *         &lt;element name="activeGovernment" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
66   *         &lt;element name="activeCommittee" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
67   *         &lt;element name="activeParliament" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
68   *         &lt;element name="totalActiveEu" type="{}long"/&gt;
69   *         &lt;element name="totalActiveGovernment" type="{}long"/&gt;
70   *         &lt;element name="totalActiveCommittee" type="{}long"/&gt;
71   *         &lt;element name="totalActiveParliament" type="{}long"/&gt;
72   *         &lt;element name="activeParty" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
73   *         &lt;element name="activeSpeaker" type="{}boolean"/&gt;
74   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedSpeaker" type="{}long"/&gt;
75   *         &lt;element name="totalDaysServedParty" type="{}long"/&gt;
76   *         &lt;element name="totalPartyAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
77   *         &lt;element name="totalMinistryAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
78   *         &lt;element name="totalCommitteeAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
79   *         &lt;element name="totalSpeakerAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
80   *         &lt;element name="currentPartyAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
81   *         &lt;element name="currentMinistryAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
82   *         &lt;element name="currentCommitteeAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
83   *         &lt;element name="currentSpeakerAssignments" type="{}long"/&gt;
84   *       &lt;/sequence&gt;
85   *     &lt;/restriction&gt;
86   *   &lt;/complexContent&gt;
87   * &lt;/complexType&gt;
88   * </pre>
89   * 
90   * 
91   */
92  @XmlAccessorType(XmlAccessType.FIELD)
93  @XmlType(name = "ViewRiksdagenPartySummary", propOrder = {
94      "party",
95      "totalAssignments",
96      "currentAssignments",
97      "firstAssignmentDate",
98      "lastAssignmentDate",
99      "totalDaysServed",
100     "totalDaysServedParliament",
101     "totalDaysServedCommittee",
102     "totalDaysServedGovernment",
103     "totalDaysServedEu",
104     "active",
105     "activeEu",
106     "activeGovernment",
107     "activeCommittee",
108     "activeParliament",
109     "totalActiveEu",
110     "totalActiveGovernment",
111     "totalActiveCommittee",
112     "totalActiveParliament",
113     "activeParty",
114     "activeSpeaker",
115     "totalDaysServedSpeaker",
116     "totalDaysServedParty",
117     "totalPartyAssignments",
118     "totalMinistryAssignments",
119     "totalCommitteeAssignments",
120     "totalSpeakerAssignments",
121     "currentPartyAssignments",
122     "currentMinistryAssignments",
123     "currentCommitteeAssignments",
124     "currentSpeakerAssignments"
125 })
126 @Entity(name = "ViewRiksdagenPartySummary")
128 @Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
129 public class ViewRiksdagenPartySummary
130     implements Serializable, ModelObject, Equals, HashCode, ToString
131 {
133     private final static long serialVersionUID = 1L;
134     @XmlElement(required = true)
135     protected String party;
136     protected long totalAssignments;
137     protected long currentAssignments;
138     @XmlElement(required = true, type = String.class)
139     @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter3 .class)
140     @XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
141     protected Date firstAssignmentDate;
142     @XmlElement(required = true, type = String.class)
143     @XmlJavaTypeAdapter(Adapter3 .class)
144     @XmlSchemaType(name = "date")
145     protected Date lastAssignmentDate;
146     protected long totalDaysServed;
147     protected long totalDaysServedParliament;
148     protected long totalDaysServedCommittee;
149     protected long totalDaysServedGovernment;
150     protected long totalDaysServedEu;
151     protected boolean active;
152     protected boolean activeEu;
153     protected boolean activeGovernment;
154     protected boolean activeCommittee;
155     protected boolean activeParliament;
156     protected long totalActiveEu;
157     protected long totalActiveGovernment;
158     protected long totalActiveCommittee;
159     protected long totalActiveParliament;
160     protected boolean activeParty;
161     protected boolean activeSpeaker;
162     protected long totalDaysServedSpeaker;
163     protected long totalDaysServedParty;
164     protected long totalPartyAssignments;
165     protected long totalMinistryAssignments;
166     protected long totalCommitteeAssignments;
167     protected long totalSpeakerAssignments;
168     protected long currentPartyAssignments;
169     protected long currentMinistryAssignments;
170     protected long currentCommitteeAssignments;
171     protected long currentSpeakerAssignments;
173     /**
174      * Gets the value of the party property.
175      * 
176      * @return
177      *     possible object is
178      *     {@link String }
179      *     
180      */
181     @Id
182     @Column(name = "PARTY")
183     public String getParty() {
184         return party;
185     }
187     /**
188      * Sets the value of the party property.
189      * 
190      * @param value
191      *     allowed object is
192      *     {@link String }
193      *     
194      */
195     public void setParty(String value) {
196 = value;
197     }
199     /**
200      * Gets the value of the totalAssignments property.
201      * 
202      */
203     @Basic
204     @Column(name = "TOTAL_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
205     public long getTotalAssignments() {
206         return totalAssignments;
207     }
209     /**
210      * Sets the value of the totalAssignments property.
211      * 
212      */
213     public void setTotalAssignments(long value) {
214         this.totalAssignments = value;
215     }
217     /**
218      * Gets the value of the currentAssignments property.
219      * 
220      */
221     @Basic
222     @Column(name = "CURRENT_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
223     public long getCurrentAssignments() {
224         return currentAssignments;
225     }
227     /**
228      * Sets the value of the currentAssignments property.
229      * 
230      */
231     public void setCurrentAssignments(long value) {
232         this.currentAssignments = value;
233     }
235     /**
236      * Gets the value of the firstAssignmentDate property.
237      * 
238      * @return
239      *     possible object is
240      *     {@link String }
241      *     
242      */
243     @Basic
244     @Column(name = "FIRST_ASSIGNMENT_DATE")
245     @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)
246     public Date getFirstAssignmentDate() {
247         return firstAssignmentDate;
248     }
250     /**
251      * Sets the value of the firstAssignmentDate property.
252      * 
253      * @param value
254      *     allowed object is
255      *     {@link String }
256      *     
257      */
258     public void setFirstAssignmentDate(Date value) {
259         this.firstAssignmentDate = value;
260     }
262     /**
263      * Gets the value of the lastAssignmentDate property.
264      * 
265      * @return
266      *     possible object is
267      *     {@link String }
268      *     
269      */
270     @Basic
271     @Column(name = "LAST_ASSIGNMENT_DATE")
272     @Temporal(TemporalType.DATE)
273     public Date getLastAssignmentDate() {
274         return lastAssignmentDate;
275     }
277     /**
278      * Sets the value of the lastAssignmentDate property.
279      * 
280      * @param value
281      *     allowed object is
282      *     {@link String }
283      *     
284      */
285     public void setLastAssignmentDate(Date value) {
286         this.lastAssignmentDate = value;
287     }
289     /**
290      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServed property.
291      * 
292      */
293     @Basic
294     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED", precision = 20, scale = 0)
295     public long getTotalDaysServed() {
296         return totalDaysServed;
297     }
299     /**
300      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServed property.
301      * 
302      */
303     public void setTotalDaysServed(long value) {
304         this.totalDaysServed = value;
305     }
307     /**
308      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedParliament property.
309      * 
310      */
311     @Basic
312     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_PARLIAMENT", precision = 20, scale = 0)
313     public long getTotalDaysServedParliament() {
314         return totalDaysServedParliament;
315     }
317     /**
318      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedParliament property.
319      * 
320      */
321     public void setTotalDaysServedParliament(long value) {
322         this.totalDaysServedParliament = value;
323     }
325     /**
326      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedCommittee property.
327      * 
328      */
329     @Basic
330     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_COMMITTEE", precision = 20, scale = 0)
331     public long getTotalDaysServedCommittee() {
332         return totalDaysServedCommittee;
333     }
335     /**
336      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedCommittee property.
337      * 
338      */
339     public void setTotalDaysServedCommittee(long value) {
340         this.totalDaysServedCommittee = value;
341     }
343     /**
344      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedGovernment property.
345      * 
346      */
347     @Basic
348     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_GOVERNMENT", precision = 20, scale = 0)
349     public long getTotalDaysServedGovernment() {
350         return totalDaysServedGovernment;
351     }
353     /**
354      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedGovernment property.
355      * 
356      */
357     public void setTotalDaysServedGovernment(long value) {
358         this.totalDaysServedGovernment = value;
359     }
361     /**
362      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedEu property.
363      * 
364      */
365     @Basic
366     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_EU", precision = 20, scale = 0)
367     public long getTotalDaysServedEu() {
368         return totalDaysServedEu;
369     }
371     /**
372      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedEu property.
373      * 
374      */
375     public void setTotalDaysServedEu(long value) {
376         this.totalDaysServedEu = value;
377     }
379     /**
380      * Gets the value of the active property.
381      * 
382      */
383     @Basic
384     @Column(name = "ACTIVE")
385     public boolean isActive() {
386         return active;
387     }
389     /**
390      * Sets the value of the active property.
391      * 
392      */
393     public void setActive(boolean value) {
394 = value;
395     }
397     /**
398      * Gets the value of the activeEu property.
399      * 
400      */
401     @Basic
402     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_EU")
403     public boolean isActiveEu() {
404         return activeEu;
405     }
407     /**
408      * Sets the value of the activeEu property.
409      * 
410      */
411     public void setActiveEu(boolean value) {
412         this.activeEu = value;
413     }
415     /**
416      * Gets the value of the activeGovernment property.
417      * 
418      */
419     @Basic
420     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_GOVERNMENT")
421     public boolean isActiveGovernment() {
422         return activeGovernment;
423     }
425     /**
426      * Sets the value of the activeGovernment property.
427      * 
428      */
429     public void setActiveGovernment(boolean value) {
430         this.activeGovernment = value;
431     }
433     /**
434      * Gets the value of the activeCommittee property.
435      * 
436      */
437     @Basic
438     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_COMMITTEE")
439     public boolean isActiveCommittee() {
440         return activeCommittee;
441     }
443     /**
444      * Sets the value of the activeCommittee property.
445      * 
446      */
447     public void setActiveCommittee(boolean value) {
448         this.activeCommittee = value;
449     }
451     /**
452      * Gets the value of the activeParliament property.
453      * 
454      */
455     @Basic
456     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_PARLIAMENT")
457     public boolean isActiveParliament() {
458         return activeParliament;
459     }
461     /**
462      * Sets the value of the activeParliament property.
463      * 
464      */
465     public void setActiveParliament(boolean value) {
466         this.activeParliament = value;
467     }
469     /**
470      * Gets the value of the totalActiveEu property.
471      * 
472      */
473     @Basic
474     @Column(name = "TOTAL_ACTIVE_EU", precision = 20, scale = 0)
475     public long getTotalActiveEu() {
476         return totalActiveEu;
477     }
479     /**
480      * Sets the value of the totalActiveEu property.
481      * 
482      */
483     public void setTotalActiveEu(long value) {
484         this.totalActiveEu = value;
485     }
487     /**
488      * Gets the value of the totalActiveGovernment property.
489      * 
490      */
491     @Basic
492     @Column(name = "TOTAL_ACTIVE_GOVERNMENT", precision = 20, scale = 0)
493     public long getTotalActiveGovernment() {
494         return totalActiveGovernment;
495     }
497     /**
498      * Sets the value of the totalActiveGovernment property.
499      * 
500      */
501     public void setTotalActiveGovernment(long value) {
502         this.totalActiveGovernment = value;
503     }
505     /**
506      * Gets the value of the totalActiveCommittee property.
507      * 
508      */
509     @Basic
510     @Column(name = "TOTAL_ACTIVE_COMMITTEE", precision = 20, scale = 0)
511     public long getTotalActiveCommittee() {
512         return totalActiveCommittee;
513     }
515     /**
516      * Sets the value of the totalActiveCommittee property.
517      * 
518      */
519     public void setTotalActiveCommittee(long value) {
520         this.totalActiveCommittee = value;
521     }
523     /**
524      * Gets the value of the totalActiveParliament property.
525      * 
526      */
527     @Basic
528     @Column(name = "TOTAL_ACTIVE_PARLIAMENT", precision = 20, scale = 0)
529     public long getTotalActiveParliament() {
530         return totalActiveParliament;
531     }
533     /**
534      * Sets the value of the totalActiveParliament property.
535      * 
536      */
537     public void setTotalActiveParliament(long value) {
538         this.totalActiveParliament = value;
539     }
541     /**
542      * Gets the value of the activeParty property.
543      * 
544      */
545     @Basic
546     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_PARTY")
547     public boolean isActiveParty() {
548         return activeParty;
549     }
551     /**
552      * Sets the value of the activeParty property.
553      * 
554      */
555     public void setActiveParty(boolean value) {
556         this.activeParty = value;
557     }
559     /**
560      * Gets the value of the activeSpeaker property.
561      * 
562      */
563     @Basic
564     @Column(name = "ACTIVE_SPEAKER")
565     public boolean isActiveSpeaker() {
566         return activeSpeaker;
567     }
569     /**
570      * Sets the value of the activeSpeaker property.
571      * 
572      */
573     public void setActiveSpeaker(boolean value) {
574         this.activeSpeaker = value;
575     }
577     /**
578      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedSpeaker property.
579      * 
580      */
581     @Basic
582     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_SPEAKER", precision = 20, scale = 0)
583     public long getTotalDaysServedSpeaker() {
584         return totalDaysServedSpeaker;
585     }
587     /**
588      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedSpeaker property.
589      * 
590      */
591     public void setTotalDaysServedSpeaker(long value) {
592         this.totalDaysServedSpeaker = value;
593     }
595     /**
596      * Gets the value of the totalDaysServedParty property.
597      * 
598      */
599     @Basic
600     @Column(name = "TOTAL_DAYS_SERVED_PARTY", precision = 20, scale = 0)
601     public long getTotalDaysServedParty() {
602         return totalDaysServedParty;
603     }
605     /**
606      * Sets the value of the totalDaysServedParty property.
607      * 
608      */
609     public void setTotalDaysServedParty(long value) {
610         this.totalDaysServedParty = value;
611     }
613     /**
614      * Gets the value of the totalPartyAssignments property.
615      * 
616      */
617     @Basic
618     @Column(name = "TOTAL_PARTY_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
619     public long getTotalPartyAssignments() {
620         return totalPartyAssignments;
621     }
623     /**
624      * Sets the value of the totalPartyAssignments property.
625      * 
626      */
627     public void setTotalPartyAssignments(long value) {
628         this.totalPartyAssignments = value;
629     }
631     /**
632      * Gets the value of the totalMinistryAssignments property.
633      * 
634      */
635     @Basic
636     @Column(name = "TOTAL_MINISTRY_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
637     public long getTotalMinistryAssignments() {
638         return totalMinistryAssignments;
639     }
641     /**
642      * Sets the value of the totalMinistryAssignments property.
643      * 
644      */
645     public void setTotalMinistryAssignments(long value) {
646         this.totalMinistryAssignments = value;
647     }
649     /**
650      * Gets the value of the totalCommitteeAssignments property.
651      * 
652      */
653     @Basic
654     @Column(name = "TOTAL_COMMITTEE_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
655     public long getTotalCommitteeAssignments() {
656         return totalCommitteeAssignments;
657     }
659     /**
660      * Sets the value of the totalCommitteeAssignments property.
661      * 
662      */
663     public void setTotalCommitteeAssignments(long value) {
664         this.totalCommitteeAssignments = value;
665     }
667     /**
668      * Gets the value of the totalSpeakerAssignments property.
669      * 
670      */
671     @Basic
672     @Column(name = "TOTAL_SPEAKER_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
673     public long getTotalSpeakerAssignments() {
674         return totalSpeakerAssignments;
675     }
677     /**
678      * Sets the value of the totalSpeakerAssignments property.
679      * 
680      */
681     public void setTotalSpeakerAssignments(long value) {
682         this.totalSpeakerAssignments = value;
683     }
685     /**
686      * Gets the value of the currentPartyAssignments property.
687      * 
688      */
689     @Basic
690     @Column(name = "CURRENT_PARTY_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
691     public long getCurrentPartyAssignments() {
692         return currentPartyAssignments;
693     }
695     /**
696      * Sets the value of the currentPartyAssignments property.
697      * 
698      */
699     public void setCurrentPartyAssignments(long value) {
700         this.currentPartyAssignments = value;
701     }
703     /**
704      * Gets the value of the currentMinistryAssignments property.
705      * 
706      */
707     @Basic
708     @Column(name = "CURRENT_MINISTRY_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
709     public long getCurrentMinistryAssignments() {
710         return currentMinistryAssignments;
711     }
713     /**
714      * Sets the value of the currentMinistryAssignments property.
715      * 
716      */
717     public void setCurrentMinistryAssignments(long value) {
718         this.currentMinistryAssignments = value;
719     }
721     /**
722      * Gets the value of the currentCommitteeAssignments property.
723      * 
724      */
725     @Basic
726     @Column(name = "CURRENT_COMMITTEE_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
727     public long getCurrentCommitteeAssignments() {
728         return currentCommitteeAssignments;
729     }
731     /**
732      * Sets the value of the currentCommitteeAssignments property.
733      * 
734      */
735     public void setCurrentCommitteeAssignments(long value) {
736         this.currentCommitteeAssignments = value;
737     }
739     /**
740      * Gets the value of the currentSpeakerAssignments property.
741      * 
742      */
743     @Basic
744     @Column(name = "CURRENT_SPEAKER_ASSIGNMENTS", precision = 20, scale = 0)
745     public long getCurrentSpeakerAssignments() {
746         return currentSpeakerAssignments;
747     }
749     /**
750      * Sets the value of the currentSpeakerAssignments property.
751      * 
752      */
753     public void setCurrentSpeakerAssignments(long value) {
754         this.currentSpeakerAssignments = value;
755     }
757     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withParty(String value) {
758         setParty(value);
759         return this;
760     }
762     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalAssignments(long value) {
763         setTotalAssignments(value);
764         return this;
765     }
767     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withCurrentAssignments(long value) {
768         setCurrentAssignments(value);
769         return this;
770     }
772     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withFirstAssignmentDate(Date value) {
773         setFirstAssignmentDate(value);
774         return this;
775     }
777     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withLastAssignmentDate(Date value) {
778         setLastAssignmentDate(value);
779         return this;
780     }
782     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServed(long value) {
783         setTotalDaysServed(value);
784         return this;
785     }
787     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedParliament(long value) {
788         setTotalDaysServedParliament(value);
789         return this;
790     }
792     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedCommittee(long value) {
793         setTotalDaysServedCommittee(value);
794         return this;
795     }
797     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedGovernment(long value) {
798         setTotalDaysServedGovernment(value);
799         return this;
800     }
802     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedEu(long value) {
803         setTotalDaysServedEu(value);
804         return this;
805     }
807     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActive(boolean value) {
808         setActive(value);
809         return this;
810     }
812     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveEu(boolean value) {
813         setActiveEu(value);
814         return this;
815     }
817     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveGovernment(boolean value) {
818         setActiveGovernment(value);
819         return this;
820     }
822     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveCommittee(boolean value) {
823         setActiveCommittee(value);
824         return this;
825     }
827     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveParliament(boolean value) {
828         setActiveParliament(value);
829         return this;
830     }
832     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalActiveEu(long value) {
833         setTotalActiveEu(value);
834         return this;
835     }
837     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalActiveGovernment(long value) {
838         setTotalActiveGovernment(value);
839         return this;
840     }
842     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalActiveCommittee(long value) {
843         setTotalActiveCommittee(value);
844         return this;
845     }
847     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalActiveParliament(long value) {
848         setTotalActiveParliament(value);
849         return this;
850     }
852     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveParty(boolean value) {
853         setActiveParty(value);
854         return this;
855     }
857     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withActiveSpeaker(boolean value) {
858         setActiveSpeaker(value);
859         return this;
860     }
862     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedSpeaker(long value) {
863         setTotalDaysServedSpeaker(value);
864         return this;
865     }
867     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalDaysServedParty(long value) {
868         setTotalDaysServedParty(value);
869         return this;
870     }
872     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalPartyAssignments(long value) {
873         setTotalPartyAssignments(value);
874         return this;
875     }
877     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalMinistryAssignments(long value) {
878         setTotalMinistryAssignments(value);
879         return this;
880     }
882     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalCommitteeAssignments(long value) {
883         setTotalCommitteeAssignments(value);
884         return this;
885     }
887     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withTotalSpeakerAssignments(long value) {
888         setTotalSpeakerAssignments(value);
889         return this;
890     }
892     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withCurrentPartyAssignments(long value) {
893         setCurrentPartyAssignments(value);
894         return this;
895     }
897     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withCurrentMinistryAssignments(long value) {
898         setCurrentMinistryAssignments(value);
899         return this;
900     }
902     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withCurrentCommitteeAssignments(long value) {
903         setCurrentCommitteeAssignments(value);
904         return this;
905     }
907     public ViewRiksdagenPartySummary withCurrentSpeakerAssignments(long value) {
908         setCurrentSpeakerAssignments(value);
909         return this;
910     }
912     public String toString() {
913         final ToStringStrategy strategy = JAXBToStringStrategy.INSTANCE;
914         final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
915         append(null, buffer, strategy);
916         return buffer.toString();
917     }
919     public StringBuilder append(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
920         strategy.appendStart(locator, this, buffer);
921         appendFields(locator, buffer, strategy);
922         strategy.appendEnd(locator, this, buffer);
923         return buffer;
924     }
926     public StringBuilder appendFields(ObjectLocator locator, StringBuilder buffer, ToStringStrategy strategy) {
927         {
928             String theParty;
929             theParty = this.getParty();
930             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "party", buffer, theParty);
931         }
932         {
933             long theTotalAssignments;
934             theTotalAssignments = this.getTotalAssignments();
935             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalAssignments", buffer, theTotalAssignments);
936         }
937         {
938             long theCurrentAssignments;
939             theCurrentAssignments = this.getCurrentAssignments();
940             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "currentAssignments", buffer, theCurrentAssignments);
941         }
942         {
943             Date theFirstAssignmentDate;
944             theFirstAssignmentDate = this.getFirstAssignmentDate();
945             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "firstAssignmentDate", buffer, theFirstAssignmentDate);
946         }
947         {
948             Date theLastAssignmentDate;
949             theLastAssignmentDate = this.getLastAssignmentDate();
950             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "lastAssignmentDate", buffer, theLastAssignmentDate);
951         }
952         {
953             long theTotalDaysServed;
954             theTotalDaysServed = this.getTotalDaysServed();
955             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServed", buffer, theTotalDaysServed);
956         }
957         {
958             long theTotalDaysServedParliament;
959             theTotalDaysServedParliament = this.getTotalDaysServedParliament();
960             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedParliament", buffer, theTotalDaysServedParliament);
961         }
962         {
963             long theTotalDaysServedCommittee;
964             theTotalDaysServedCommittee = this.getTotalDaysServedCommittee();
965             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedCommittee", buffer, theTotalDaysServedCommittee);
966         }
967         {
968             long theTotalDaysServedGovernment;
969             theTotalDaysServedGovernment = this.getTotalDaysServedGovernment();
970             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedGovernment", buffer, theTotalDaysServedGovernment);
971         }
972         {
973             long theTotalDaysServedEu;
974             theTotalDaysServedEu = this.getTotalDaysServedEu();
975             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedEu", buffer, theTotalDaysServedEu);
976         }
977         {
978             boolean theActive;
979             theActive = this.isActive();
980             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "active", buffer, theActive);
981         }
982         {
983             boolean theActiveEu;
984             theActiveEu = this.isActiveEu();
985             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeEu", buffer, theActiveEu);
986         }
987         {
988             boolean theActiveGovernment;
989             theActiveGovernment = this.isActiveGovernment();
990             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeGovernment", buffer, theActiveGovernment);
991         }
992         {
993             boolean theActiveCommittee;
994             theActiveCommittee = this.isActiveCommittee();
995             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeCommittee", buffer, theActiveCommittee);
996         }
997         {
998             boolean theActiveParliament;
999             theActiveParliament = this.isActiveParliament();
1000             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeParliament", buffer, theActiveParliament);
1001         }
1002         {
1003             long theTotalActiveEu;
1004             theTotalActiveEu = this.getTotalActiveEu();
1005             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalActiveEu", buffer, theTotalActiveEu);
1006         }
1007         {
1008             long theTotalActiveGovernment;
1009             theTotalActiveGovernment = this.getTotalActiveGovernment();
1010             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalActiveGovernment", buffer, theTotalActiveGovernment);
1011         }
1012         {
1013             long theTotalActiveCommittee;
1014             theTotalActiveCommittee = this.getTotalActiveCommittee();
1015             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalActiveCommittee", buffer, theTotalActiveCommittee);
1016         }
1017         {
1018             long theTotalActiveParliament;
1019             theTotalActiveParliament = this.getTotalActiveParliament();
1020             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalActiveParliament", buffer, theTotalActiveParliament);
1021         }
1022         {
1023             boolean theActiveParty;
1024             theActiveParty = this.isActiveParty();
1025             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeParty", buffer, theActiveParty);
1026         }
1027         {
1028             boolean theActiveSpeaker;
1029             theActiveSpeaker = this.isActiveSpeaker();
1030             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "activeSpeaker", buffer, theActiveSpeaker);
1031         }
1032         {
1033             long theTotalDaysServedSpeaker;
1034             theTotalDaysServedSpeaker = this.getTotalDaysServedSpeaker();
1035             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedSpeaker", buffer, theTotalDaysServedSpeaker);
1036         }
1037         {
1038             long theTotalDaysServedParty;
1039             theTotalDaysServedParty = this.getTotalDaysServedParty();
1040             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalDaysServedParty", buffer, theTotalDaysServedParty);
1041         }
1042         {
1043             long theTotalPartyAssignments;
1044             theTotalPartyAssignments = this.getTotalPartyAssignments();
1045             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalPartyAssignments", buffer, theTotalPartyAssignments);
1046         }
1047         {
1048             long theTotalMinistryAssignments;
1049             theTotalMinistryAssignments = this.getTotalMinistryAssignments();
1050             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalMinistryAssignments", buffer, theTotalMinistryAssignments);
1051         }
1052         {
1053             long theTotalCommitteeAssignments;
1054             theTotalCommitteeAssignments = this.getTotalCommitteeAssignments();
1055             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalCommitteeAssignments", buffer, theTotalCommitteeAssignments);
1056         }
1057         {
1058             long theTotalSpeakerAssignments;
1059             theTotalSpeakerAssignments = this.getTotalSpeakerAssignments();
1060             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "totalSpeakerAssignments", buffer, theTotalSpeakerAssignments);
1061         }
1062         {
1063             long theCurrentPartyAssignments;
1064             theCurrentPartyAssignments = this.getCurrentPartyAssignments();
1065             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "currentPartyAssignments", buffer, theCurrentPartyAssignments);
1066         }
1067         {
1068             long theCurrentMinistryAssignments;
1069             theCurrentMinistryAssignments = this.getCurrentMinistryAssignments();
1070             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "currentMinistryAssignments", buffer, theCurrentMinistryAssignments);
1071         }
1072         {
1073             long theCurrentCommitteeAssignments;
1074             theCurrentCommitteeAssignments = this.getCurrentCommitteeAssignments();
1075             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "currentCommitteeAssignments", buffer, theCurrentCommitteeAssignments);
1076         }
1077         {
1078             long theCurrentSpeakerAssignments;
1079             theCurrentSpeakerAssignments = this.getCurrentSpeakerAssignments();
1080             strategy.appendField(locator, this, "currentSpeakerAssignments", buffer, theCurrentSpeakerAssignments);
1081         }
1082         return buffer;
1083     }
1085     public boolean equals(ObjectLocator thisLocator, ObjectLocator thatLocator, Object object, EqualsStrategy strategy) {
1086         if ((object == null)||(this.getClass()!= object.getClass())) {
1087             return false;
1088         }
1089         if (this == object) {
1090             return true;
1091         }
1092         final ViewRiksdagenPartySummary that = ((ViewRiksdagenPartySummary) object);
1093         {
1094             String lhsParty;
1095             lhsParty = this.getParty();
1096             String rhsParty;
1097             rhsParty = that.getParty();
1098             if (!strategy.equals(, "party", lhsParty),, "party", rhsParty), lhsParty, rhsParty)) {
1099                 return false;
1100             }
1101         }
1102         {
1103             long lhsTotalAssignments;
1104             lhsTotalAssignments = this.getTotalAssignments();
1105             long rhsTotalAssignments;
1106             rhsTotalAssignments = that.getTotalAssignments();
1107             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalAssignments", lhsTotalAssignments),, "totalAssignments", rhsTotalAssignments), lhsTotalAssignments, rhsTotalAssignments)) {
1108                 return false;
1109             }
1110         }
1111         {
1112             long lhsCurrentAssignments;
1113             lhsCurrentAssignments = this.getCurrentAssignments();
1114             long rhsCurrentAssignments;
1115             rhsCurrentAssignments = that.getCurrentAssignments();
1116             if (!strategy.equals(, "currentAssignments", lhsCurrentAssignments),, "currentAssignments", rhsCurrentAssignments), lhsCurrentAssignments, rhsCurrentAssignments)) {
1117                 return false;
1118             }
1119         }
1120         {
1121             Date lhsFirstAssignmentDate;
1122             lhsFirstAssignmentDate = this.getFirstAssignmentDate();
1123             Date rhsFirstAssignmentDate;
1124             rhsFirstAssignmentDate = that.getFirstAssignmentDate();
1125             if (!strategy.equals(, "firstAssignmentDate", lhsFirstAssignmentDate),, "firstAssignmentDate", rhsFirstAssignmentDate), lhsFirstAssignmentDate, rhsFirstAssignmentDate)) {
1126                 return false;
1127             }
1128         }
1129         {
1130             Date lhsLastAssignmentDate;
1131             lhsLastAssignmentDate = this.getLastAssignmentDate();
1132             Date rhsLastAssignmentDate;
1133             rhsLastAssignmentDate = that.getLastAssignmentDate();
1134             if (!strategy.equals(, "lastAssignmentDate", lhsLastAssignmentDate),, "lastAssignmentDate", rhsLastAssignmentDate), lhsLastAssignmentDate, rhsLastAssignmentDate)) {
1135                 return false;
1136             }
1137         }
1138         {
1139             long lhsTotalDaysServed;
1140             lhsTotalDaysServed = this.getTotalDaysServed();
1141             long rhsTotalDaysServed;
1142             rhsTotalDaysServed = that.getTotalDaysServed();
1143             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServed", lhsTotalDaysServed),, "totalDaysServed", rhsTotalDaysServed), lhsTotalDaysServed, rhsTotalDaysServed)) {
1144                 return false;
1145             }
1146         }
1147         {
1148             long lhsTotalDaysServedParliament;
1149             lhsTotalDaysServedParliament = this.getTotalDaysServedParliament();
1150             long rhsTotalDaysServedParliament;
1151             rhsTotalDaysServedParliament = that.getTotalDaysServedParliament();
1152             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedParliament", lhsTotalDaysServedParliament),, "totalDaysServedParliament", rhsTotalDaysServedParliament), lhsTotalDaysServedParliament, rhsTotalDaysServedParliament)) {
1153                 return false;
1154             }
1155         }
1156         {
1157             long lhsTotalDaysServedCommittee;
1158             lhsTotalDaysServedCommittee = this.getTotalDaysServedCommittee();
1159             long rhsTotalDaysServedCommittee;
1160             rhsTotalDaysServedCommittee = that.getTotalDaysServedCommittee();
1161             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedCommittee", lhsTotalDaysServedCommittee),, "totalDaysServedCommittee", rhsTotalDaysServedCommittee), lhsTotalDaysServedCommittee, rhsTotalDaysServedCommittee)) {
1162                 return false;
1163             }
1164         }
1165         {
1166             long lhsTotalDaysServedGovernment;
1167             lhsTotalDaysServedGovernment = this.getTotalDaysServedGovernment();
1168             long rhsTotalDaysServedGovernment;
1169             rhsTotalDaysServedGovernment = that.getTotalDaysServedGovernment();
1170             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedGovernment", lhsTotalDaysServedGovernment),, "totalDaysServedGovernment", rhsTotalDaysServedGovernment), lhsTotalDaysServedGovernment, rhsTotalDaysServedGovernment)) {
1171                 return false;
1172             }
1173         }
1174         {
1175             long lhsTotalDaysServedEu;
1176             lhsTotalDaysServedEu = this.getTotalDaysServedEu();
1177             long rhsTotalDaysServedEu;
1178             rhsTotalDaysServedEu = that.getTotalDaysServedEu();
1179             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedEu", lhsTotalDaysServedEu),, "totalDaysServedEu", rhsTotalDaysServedEu), lhsTotalDaysServedEu, rhsTotalDaysServedEu)) {
1180                 return false;
1181             }
1182         }
1183         {
1184             boolean lhsActive;
1185             lhsActive = this.isActive();
1186             boolean rhsActive;
1187             rhsActive = that.isActive();
1188             if (!strategy.equals(, "active", lhsActive),, "active", rhsActive), lhsActive, rhsActive)) {
1189                 return false;
1190             }
1191         }
1192         {
1193             boolean lhsActiveEu;
1194             lhsActiveEu = this.isActiveEu();
1195             boolean rhsActiveEu;
1196             rhsActiveEu = that.isActiveEu();
1197             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeEu", lhsActiveEu),, "activeEu", rhsActiveEu), lhsActiveEu, rhsActiveEu)) {
1198                 return false;
1199             }
1200         }
1201         {
1202             boolean lhsActiveGovernment;
1203             lhsActiveGovernment = this.isActiveGovernment();
1204             boolean rhsActiveGovernment;
1205             rhsActiveGovernment = that.isActiveGovernment();
1206             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeGovernment", lhsActiveGovernment),, "activeGovernment", rhsActiveGovernment), lhsActiveGovernment, rhsActiveGovernment)) {
1207                 return false;
1208             }
1209         }
1210         {
1211             boolean lhsActiveCommittee;
1212             lhsActiveCommittee = this.isActiveCommittee();
1213             boolean rhsActiveCommittee;
1214             rhsActiveCommittee = that.isActiveCommittee();
1215             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeCommittee", lhsActiveCommittee),, "activeCommittee", rhsActiveCommittee), lhsActiveCommittee, rhsActiveCommittee)) {
1216                 return false;
1217             }
1218         }
1219         {
1220             boolean lhsActiveParliament;
1221             lhsActiveParliament = this.isActiveParliament();
1222             boolean rhsActiveParliament;
1223             rhsActiveParliament = that.isActiveParliament();
1224             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeParliament", lhsActiveParliament),, "activeParliament", rhsActiveParliament), lhsActiveParliament, rhsActiveParliament)) {
1225                 return false;
1226             }
1227         }
1228         {
1229             long lhsTotalActiveEu;
1230             lhsTotalActiveEu = this.getTotalActiveEu();
1231             long rhsTotalActiveEu;
1232             rhsTotalActiveEu = that.getTotalActiveEu();
1233             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalActiveEu", lhsTotalActiveEu),, "totalActiveEu", rhsTotalActiveEu), lhsTotalActiveEu, rhsTotalActiveEu)) {
1234                 return false;
1235             }
1236         }
1237         {
1238             long lhsTotalActiveGovernment;
1239             lhsTotalActiveGovernment = this.getTotalActiveGovernment();
1240             long rhsTotalActiveGovernment;
1241             rhsTotalActiveGovernment = that.getTotalActiveGovernment();
1242             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalActiveGovernment", lhsTotalActiveGovernment),, "totalActiveGovernment", rhsTotalActiveGovernment), lhsTotalActiveGovernment, rhsTotalActiveGovernment)) {
1243                 return false;
1244             }
1245         }
1246         {
1247             long lhsTotalActiveCommittee;
1248             lhsTotalActiveCommittee = this.getTotalActiveCommittee();
1249             long rhsTotalActiveCommittee;
1250             rhsTotalActiveCommittee = that.getTotalActiveCommittee();
1251             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalActiveCommittee", lhsTotalActiveCommittee),, "totalActiveCommittee", rhsTotalActiveCommittee), lhsTotalActiveCommittee, rhsTotalActiveCommittee)) {
1252                 return false;
1253             }
1254         }
1255         {
1256             long lhsTotalActiveParliament;
1257             lhsTotalActiveParliament = this.getTotalActiveParliament();
1258             long rhsTotalActiveParliament;
1259             rhsTotalActiveParliament = that.getTotalActiveParliament();
1260             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalActiveParliament", lhsTotalActiveParliament),, "totalActiveParliament", rhsTotalActiveParliament), lhsTotalActiveParliament, rhsTotalActiveParliament)) {
1261                 return false;
1262             }
1263         }
1264         {
1265             boolean lhsActiveParty;
1266             lhsActiveParty = this.isActiveParty();
1267             boolean rhsActiveParty;
1268             rhsActiveParty = that.isActiveParty();
1269             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeParty", lhsActiveParty),, "activeParty", rhsActiveParty), lhsActiveParty, rhsActiveParty)) {
1270                 return false;
1271             }
1272         }
1273         {
1274             boolean lhsActiveSpeaker;
1275             lhsActiveSpeaker = this.isActiveSpeaker();
1276             boolean rhsActiveSpeaker;
1277             rhsActiveSpeaker = that.isActiveSpeaker();
1278             if (!strategy.equals(, "activeSpeaker", lhsActiveSpeaker),, "activeSpeaker", rhsActiveSpeaker), lhsActiveSpeaker, rhsActiveSpeaker)) {
1279                 return false;
1280             }
1281         }
1282         {
1283             long lhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker;
1284             lhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker = this.getTotalDaysServedSpeaker();
1285             long rhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker;
1286             rhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker = that.getTotalDaysServedSpeaker();
1287             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedSpeaker", lhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker),, "totalDaysServedSpeaker", rhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker), lhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker, rhsTotalDaysServedSpeaker)) {
1288                 return false;
1289             }
1290         }
1291         {
1292             long lhsTotalDaysServedParty;
1293             lhsTotalDaysServedParty = this.getTotalDaysServedParty();
1294             long rhsTotalDaysServedParty;
1295             rhsTotalDaysServedParty = that.getTotalDaysServedParty();
1296             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalDaysServedParty", lhsTotalDaysServedParty),, "totalDaysServedParty", rhsTotalDaysServedParty), lhsTotalDaysServedParty, rhsTotalDaysServedParty)) {
1297                 return false;
1298             }
1299         }
1300         {
1301             long lhsTotalPartyAssignments;
1302             lhsTotalPartyAssignments = this.getTotalPartyAssignments();
1303             long rhsTotalPartyAssignments;
1304             rhsTotalPartyAssignments = that.getTotalPartyAssignments();
1305             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalPartyAssignments", lhsTotalPartyAssignments),, "totalPartyAssignments", rhsTotalPartyAssignments), lhsTotalPartyAssignments, rhsTotalPartyAssignments)) {
1306                 return false;
1307             }
1308         }
1309         {
1310             long lhsTotalMinistryAssignments;
1311             lhsTotalMinistryAssignments = this.getTotalMinistryAssignments();
1312             long rhsTotalMinistryAssignments;
1313             rhsTotalMinistryAssignments = that.getTotalMinistryAssignments();
1314             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalMinistryAssignments", lhsTotalMinistryAssignments),, "totalMinistryAssignments", rhsTotalMinistryAssignments), lhsTotalMinistryAssignments, rhsTotalMinistryAssignments)) {
1315                 return false;
1316             }
1317         }
1318         {
1319             long lhsTotalCommitteeAssignments;
1320             lhsTotalCommitteeAssignments = this.getTotalCommitteeAssignments();
1321             long rhsTotalCommitteeAssignments;
1322             rhsTotalCommitteeAssignments = that.getTotalCommitteeAssignments();
1323             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalCommitteeAssignments", lhsTotalCommitteeAssignments),, "totalCommitteeAssignments", rhsTotalCommitteeAssignments), lhsTotalCommitteeAssignments, rhsTotalCommitteeAssignments)) {
1324                 return false;
1325             }
1326         }
1327         {
1328             long lhsTotalSpeakerAssignments;
1329             lhsTotalSpeakerAssignments = this.getTotalSpeakerAssignments();
1330             long rhsTotalSpeakerAssignments;
1331             rhsTotalSpeakerAssignments = that.getTotalSpeakerAssignments();
1332             if (!strategy.equals(, "totalSpeakerAssignments", lhsTotalSpeakerAssignments),, "totalSpeakerAssignments", rhsTotalSpeakerAssignments), lhsTotalSpeakerAssignments, rhsTotalSpeakerAssignments)) {
1333                 return false;
1334             }
1335         }
1336         {
1337             long lhsCurrentPartyAssignments;
1338             lhsCurrentPartyAssignments = this.getCurrentPartyAssignments();
1339             long rhsCurrentPartyAssignments;
1340             rhsCurrentPartyAssignments = that.getCurrentPartyAssignments();
1341             if (!strategy.equals(, "currentPartyAssignments", lhsCurrentPartyAssignments),, "currentPartyAssignments", rhsCurrentPartyAssignments), lhsCurrentPartyAssignments, rhsCurrentPartyAssignments)) {
1342                 return false;
1343             }
1344         }
1345         {
1346             long lhsCurrentMinistryAssignments;
1347             lhsCurrentMinistryAssignments = this.getCurrentMinistryAssignments();
1348             long rhsCurrentMinistryAssignments;
1349             rhsCurrentMinistryAssignments = that.getCurrentMinistryAssignments();
1350             if (!strategy.equals(, "currentMinistryAssignments", lhsCurrentMinistryAssignments),, "currentMinistryAssignments", rhsCurrentMinistryAssignments), lhsCurrentMinistryAssignments, rhsCurrentMinistryAssignments)) {
1351                 return false;
1352             }
1353         }
1354         {
1355             long lhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments;
1356             lhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments = this.getCurrentCommitteeAssignments();
1357             long rhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments;
1358             rhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments = that.getCurrentCommitteeAssignments();
1359             if (!strategy.equals(, "currentCommitteeAssignments", lhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments),, "currentCommitteeAssignments", rhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments), lhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments, rhsCurrentCommitteeAssignments)) {
1360                 return false;
1361             }
1362         }
1363         {
1364             long lhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments;
1365             lhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments = this.getCurrentSpeakerAssignments();
1366             long rhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments;
1367             rhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments = that.getCurrentSpeakerAssignments();
1368             if (!strategy.equals(, "currentSpeakerAssignments", lhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments),, "currentSpeakerAssignments", rhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments), lhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments, rhsCurrentSpeakerAssignments)) {
1369                 return false;
1370             }
1371         }
1372         return true;
1373     }
1375     public boolean equals(Object object) {
1376         final EqualsStrategy strategy = JAXBEqualsStrategy.INSTANCE;
1377         return equals(null, null, object, strategy);
1378     }
1380     public int hashCode(ObjectLocator locator, HashCodeStrategy strategy) {
1381         int currentHashCode = 1;
1382         {
1383             String theParty;
1384             theParty = this.getParty();
1385             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "party", theParty), currentHashCode, theParty);
1386         }
1387         {
1388             long theTotalAssignments;
1389             theTotalAssignments = this.getTotalAssignments();
1390             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalAssignments", theTotalAssignments), currentHashCode, theTotalAssignments);
1391         }
1392         {
1393             long theCurrentAssignments;
1394             theCurrentAssignments = this.getCurrentAssignments();
1395             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "currentAssignments", theCurrentAssignments), currentHashCode, theCurrentAssignments);
1396         }
1397         {
1398             Date theFirstAssignmentDate;
1399             theFirstAssignmentDate = this.getFirstAssignmentDate();
1400             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "firstAssignmentDate", theFirstAssignmentDate), currentHashCode, theFirstAssignmentDate);
1401         }
1402         {
1403             Date theLastAssignmentDate;
1404             theLastAssignmentDate = this.getLastAssignmentDate();
1405             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "lastAssignmentDate", theLastAssignmentDate), currentHashCode, theLastAssignmentDate);
1406         }
1407         {
1408             long theTotalDaysServed;
1409             theTotalDaysServed = this.getTotalDaysServed();
1410             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServed", theTotalDaysServed), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServed);
1411         }
1412         {
1413             long theTotalDaysServedParliament;
1414             theTotalDaysServedParliament = this.getTotalDaysServedParliament();
1415             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedParliament", theTotalDaysServedParliament), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedParliament);
1416         }
1417         {
1418             long theTotalDaysServedCommittee;
1419             theTotalDaysServedCommittee = this.getTotalDaysServedCommittee();
1420             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedCommittee", theTotalDaysServedCommittee), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedCommittee);
1421         }
1422         {
1423             long theTotalDaysServedGovernment;
1424             theTotalDaysServedGovernment = this.getTotalDaysServedGovernment();
1425             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedGovernment", theTotalDaysServedGovernment), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedGovernment);
1426         }
1427         {
1428             long theTotalDaysServedEu;
1429             theTotalDaysServedEu = this.getTotalDaysServedEu();
1430             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedEu", theTotalDaysServedEu), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedEu);
1431         }
1432         {
1433             boolean theActive;
1434             theActive = this.isActive();
1435             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "active", theActive), currentHashCode, theActive);
1436         }
1437         {
1438             boolean theActiveEu;
1439             theActiveEu = this.isActiveEu();
1440             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeEu", theActiveEu), currentHashCode, theActiveEu);
1441         }
1442         {
1443             boolean theActiveGovernment;
1444             theActiveGovernment = this.isActiveGovernment();
1445             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeGovernment", theActiveGovernment), currentHashCode, theActiveGovernment);
1446         }
1447         {
1448             boolean theActiveCommittee;
1449             theActiveCommittee = this.isActiveCommittee();
1450             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeCommittee", theActiveCommittee), currentHashCode, theActiveCommittee);
1451         }
1452         {
1453             boolean theActiveParliament;
1454             theActiveParliament = this.isActiveParliament();
1455             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeParliament", theActiveParliament), currentHashCode, theActiveParliament);
1456         }
1457         {
1458             long theTotalActiveEu;
1459             theTotalActiveEu = this.getTotalActiveEu();
1460             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalActiveEu", theTotalActiveEu), currentHashCode, theTotalActiveEu);
1461         }
1462         {
1463             long theTotalActiveGovernment;
1464             theTotalActiveGovernment = this.getTotalActiveGovernment();
1465             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalActiveGovernment", theTotalActiveGovernment), currentHashCode, theTotalActiveGovernment);
1466         }
1467         {
1468             long theTotalActiveCommittee;
1469             theTotalActiveCommittee = this.getTotalActiveCommittee();
1470             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalActiveCommittee", theTotalActiveCommittee), currentHashCode, theTotalActiveCommittee);
1471         }
1472         {
1473             long theTotalActiveParliament;
1474             theTotalActiveParliament = this.getTotalActiveParliament();
1475             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalActiveParliament", theTotalActiveParliament), currentHashCode, theTotalActiveParliament);
1476         }
1477         {
1478             boolean theActiveParty;
1479             theActiveParty = this.isActiveParty();
1480             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeParty", theActiveParty), currentHashCode, theActiveParty);
1481         }
1482         {
1483             boolean theActiveSpeaker;
1484             theActiveSpeaker = this.isActiveSpeaker();
1485             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "activeSpeaker", theActiveSpeaker), currentHashCode, theActiveSpeaker);
1486         }
1487         {
1488             long theTotalDaysServedSpeaker;
1489             theTotalDaysServedSpeaker = this.getTotalDaysServedSpeaker();
1490             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedSpeaker", theTotalDaysServedSpeaker), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedSpeaker);
1491         }
1492         {
1493             long theTotalDaysServedParty;
1494             theTotalDaysServedParty = this.getTotalDaysServedParty();
1495             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalDaysServedParty", theTotalDaysServedParty), currentHashCode, theTotalDaysServedParty);
1496         }
1497         {
1498             long theTotalPartyAssignments;
1499             theTotalPartyAssignments = this.getTotalPartyAssignments();
1500             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalPartyAssignments", theTotalPartyAssignments), currentHashCode, theTotalPartyAssignments);
1501         }
1502         {
1503             long theTotalMinistryAssignments;
1504             theTotalMinistryAssignments = this.getTotalMinistryAssignments();
1505             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalMinistryAssignments", theTotalMinistryAssignments), currentHashCode, theTotalMinistryAssignments);
1506         }
1507         {
1508             long theTotalCommitteeAssignments;
1509             theTotalCommitteeAssignments = this.getTotalCommitteeAssignments();
1510             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalCommitteeAssignments", theTotalCommitteeAssignments), currentHashCode, theTotalCommitteeAssignments);
1511         }
1512         {
1513             long theTotalSpeakerAssignments;
1514             theTotalSpeakerAssignments = this.getTotalSpeakerAssignments();
1515             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "totalSpeakerAssignments", theTotalSpeakerAssignments), currentHashCode, theTotalSpeakerAssignments);
1516         }
1517         {
1518             long theCurrentPartyAssignments;
1519             theCurrentPartyAssignments = this.getCurrentPartyAssignments();
1520             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "currentPartyAssignments", theCurrentPartyAssignments), currentHashCode, theCurrentPartyAssignments);
1521         }
1522         {
1523             long theCurrentMinistryAssignments;
1524             theCurrentMinistryAssignments = this.getCurrentMinistryAssignments();
1525             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "currentMinistryAssignments", theCurrentMinistryAssignments), currentHashCode, theCurrentMinistryAssignments);
1526         }
1527         {
1528             long theCurrentCommitteeAssignments;
1529             theCurrentCommitteeAssignments = this.getCurrentCommitteeAssignments();
1530             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "currentCommitteeAssignments", theCurrentCommitteeAssignments), currentHashCode, theCurrentCommitteeAssignments);
1531         }
1532         {
1533             long theCurrentSpeakerAssignments;
1534             theCurrentSpeakerAssignments = this.getCurrentSpeakerAssignments();
1535             currentHashCode = strategy.hashCode(, "currentSpeakerAssignments", theCurrentSpeakerAssignments), currentHashCode, theCurrentSpeakerAssignments);
1536         }
1537         return currentHashCode;
1538     }
1540     public int hashCode() {
1541         final HashCodeStrategy strategy = JAXBHashCodeStrategy.INSTANCE;
1542         return this.hashCode(null, strategy);
1543     }
1545 }