Statics Report - System: 1.0-SNAPSHOT, Version: 0, Date: TodayDesigned for use with Checkstyle, CKJM, Cobertura, FindBugs, JavaNCSS, JDepend, JUnit, PMD, PMD-CPD, Java2HTML and Ant.

[Statics] source-control

[scorecard] [analysis] [explanations]
{overview} {architecture} {design} {code} {test} {source control} {system specific}

Source Control Metrics

The two top-most histograms below shows the number of change and error activity in the source control system that are related to each subsystem. Activity for one class is the number of different issues that class was modified in. When aggregating to package or subsystem, these numbers are summed; i.e. a package where three classes were modified, in 1, 4 and 2 issues respectively, will report 1 + 4 + 2 = 7 as the activity number. Note, however, that several modifications on a class in one issue, counts as one activity. Error activity is typically bugfixes, while change activity is any other changes (i.e. maintenance, new development, etc).

The last two histograms below shows the number of classes that were changed in change issues and error issues respectively. Note that one class will be counted in both histograms, if it was modified in one or more change issues and one or more error issues.

For each histogram column, you can roll over the diagrams to get details on which subsystem the column relates to. Click on it to go to a detailed view. On the bottom of the screen the data is presented in tabular form.

Source ControlTotal ActivityChange ActivityError ActivtyClasses with Change IssuesClasses with Error Issues