Statics Report - System: 1.0-SNAPSHOT, Version: 0, Date: TodayDesigned for use with Checkstyle, CKJM, Cobertura, FindBugs, JavaNCSS, JDepend, JUnit, PMD, PMD-CPD, Java2HTML and Ant.

[Statics] test

[scorecard] [analysis] [explanations]
{overview} {architecture} {design} {code} {test} {source control} {system specific}

Test Metrics

For each histogram column, you can roll over the diagrams to get details on the contents. Click on it to go to a detailed view. On the bottom of the screen the data is presented in tabular form.

Test MetricsTest suitesTestsTests per Source StatementsErrorsTimeLine CoverageLine Coverage per Test
Total000000 %0 %
Web.Application000000 %0 %
Web.Pages000000 %0 %
Web.Common000000 %0 %
Service00NaN00NaN %0 %
Service.Data00NaN00NaN %0 %
Service.External00NaN00NaN %0 %
Model.Application00NaN00NaN %0 %
Model.External00NaN00NaN %0 %
Model.Common00NaN00NaN %0 %